97. Corpus Christi Beaches: Recreational Uses
Downloads folder for 97. Corpus Christi Beaches: Recreational Uses
A scientific report detailing water quality data to support the development of total maximum daily loads for bacteria in Corpus Christi Bay beaches.
A 2011 scientific report and monitoring data to support development of total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Corpus Christi Bay beaches.
A 2011 and 2012 scientific report and monitoring data to support development of total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Corpus Christi Bay beaches.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of two total maximum daily loads for bacteria in Corpus Christi Bay (Segment 2481C).
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on a total maximum daily load project for indicator bacteria in Corpus Christi Bay Beaches.
A scientific report detailing the development of two total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria at Corpus Christi Beaches, Cole Park and Ropes Park. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A project overview describing the Poenisch Park Beach watershed and the steps taken to improve water quality in the waterbody.
A project overview describing the Cole Park and Ropes Park Beaches watersheds and the steps taken to protect recreational uses in the waterbodies.
Technical Support Document for One Total Maximum Daily Load for Indicator Bacteria in Poenisch Park
For education and outreach to improve water quality at Cole and Ropes Parks beaches in Corpus Christi Bay