66. Greater Trinity Region: Recreational Uses
Downloads folder for 66. Greater Trinity Region: Recreational Uses
A scientific analysis and report to support development of four total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Cottonwood Creek, Fish Creek, Kirby Creek, and Crockett Branch Watersheds Upstream of Mountain Creek Lake.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in North Fork Fish Creek.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Sycamore Creek.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Upper Trinity River.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of total maximum daily loads to reduce indicator bacteria in the Lower West For Trinity River watershed
A scientific report used to develop one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in one assessment unit (AU 0841P_04) of North Fork Cottonwood Creek. The watershed of the creek, a perennial, unclassified, freshwater stream, is primarily urbanized and lies within Tarrant and Dallas counties.
An addendum to an existing Four TMDLs for Indicator Bacteria in the Cottonwood Creek, Fish Creek, Kirby Creek, and Crockett Branch Watersheds Upstream of Mountain Creek Lake which adds One TMDL for Indicator Bacteria in North Fork Cottonwood Creek.
A report of scientific information required to develop one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Dry Branch Creek.
Lower West Fork Trinity River Watershed: A Community Project to Protect Recreational Uses