6. Bosque River Stakeholders
Downloads folder for 6. Bosque River Stakeholders
A meeting summary describing the actions and discussions at a October 4, 2021 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A presentation describing the history of the North Bosque River I-Plan and TMDL project at a October 4, 2021 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A presentation describing the status of the North Bosque River I-Plan and TMDL project at a October 4, 2021 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A presentation describing the water quality status of the North Bosque River at a October 2021 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A presentation describing the recommendations of the North Bosque River TMDL Work Group at a October 2021 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A meeting summary describing the actions and discussions at a September 1, 2020 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A presentation describing the history of the North Bosque River I-Plan and TMDL project at a September 1, 2020 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A presentation describing the status of the North Bosque River I-Plan and TMDL project at a September 1, 2020 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A presentation describing the water quality status of the North Bosque River at a September 2020 public stakeholder meeting for the North Bosque River TMDL project.
An Excel spreadsheet detailing data regarding annual flows and soluble reactive phosphorous.
An Excel spreadsheet detailing mean concentrations of reactive soluble phosphorous for storm events.
A document detailing the agenda for a March 30, 2021 meeting of the North Bosque River TMDL Work Group.
A meeting summary for a March 30, 2021 North Bosque River TMDL Work Group Meeting the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A map displaying monitoring stations in the North Bosque River watershed as of January 2021.
A document detailing the proposed monitoring changes at seven North Bosque River monitoring sites for FY22 and FY23
A document detailing sampling events and data collection at TCEQ Station 17226 on the North Bosque River from 2013 through 2019.
A document detailing the agenda for a January 21, 2021 meeting of the North Bosque River TMDL Work Group.
A meeting summary for a January 21, 2021 North Bosque River TMDL Work Group Meeting the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A meeting summary for a January 21, 2021 North Bosque River TMDL Work Group Meeting the North Bosque River TMDL project.
A document detailing the agenda for a November 12, 2020 meeting of the North Bosque River TMDL Work Group.