21. Nueces Bay: Oyster Harvesting Use
Downloads folder for 21. Nueces Bay: Oyster Harvesting Use
A report of scientific information characterizing zinc contamination in oyster tissue in Nueces Bay.
A report of scientific information addressing the public health implications of consuming spotted seatrout contaminated with PCBs, characterizing the geographic extent of oyster zinc contamination in Nueces Bay, and reassessing the impact on public health of consuming zinc-contaminated oysters.
A presentation detailing a total maximum daily load project for zinc in oyster tissue in Nueces Bay.
A scientific report providing monitoring data and updates through year-seven for a total maximum daily load project for zinc in Nueces Bay.
A scientific report providing monitoring data and updates through year-six of a total maximum daily load project for zinc in Nueces Bay.
A scientific report intended to provide TCEQ with data to address questions related to zinc loadings to Nueces Bay, to determine if the designated uses are being met, and to track zinc loadings to Nueces Bay.
A scientific report providing monitoring data and updates through Phase 4 of a for a total maximum daily load project for zinc in Nueces Bay.
A scientific report providing monitoring data and updates through Phase 2 of a for a total maximum daily load project for zinc in Nueces Bay.
A scientific report providing monitoring data and updates through Phase 1 of a for a total maximum daily load project for zinc in Nueces Bay.
A scientific analysis and report including a historical data review to support development of a total maximum daily load for zinc in oyster tissue in Nueces Bay.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on an implementation plan for one total maximum daily load for zinc in oyster tissue in Nueces Bay.
A plan to implement a total maximum daily load for zinc in oyster tissue in Nueces Bay. This plan describes the necessary actions to improve water quality, the schedule for implementation activities, and measurable outcomes for assessing progress.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on one total maximum daily load for zinc in oyster tissue in Nueces Bay.
A scientific report detailing the development of one total maximum daily load for zinc in oyster tissue in Nueces Bay. This TMDL is used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of zinc in wastewater into the watershed.
A project overview describing the Nueces Bay watershed and the steps taken to improve water quality in the waterbody through the implementation of a total maximum daily load.