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Technical Review and Assistance


The Technical Review and Oversight Team (TROT) protects public health by providing technical assistance to every public water system (PWS), consulting engineers, and internal customers. This assistance includes helping PWSs with source water development, design, treatment, and operations.

A public water system (PWS) that does not meet a TCEQ standard (rule) in Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC) Chapter 290 Subchapter D may request an exception by proposing another way it can meet the intent of the rule. We review each exception request to ensure that, if granted, the exception allows the PWS to still deliver safe drinking water to its customers at adequate pressures.

Public water systems with membrane and cartridge filtration systems for removing Cryptosporidium and Giardia must receive approval from the TCEQ to evaluate each membrane’s ability to remove pathogens. The membrane filtration systems impacted by this requirement are those that were installed or replaced after April 1, 2012. Alternative methods to monitor membrane filters are allowed.

A public water system may get approval from the TCEQ to use an Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system to inactivate pathogens. Manufacturers must test UV reactor models to ensure that they deliver the required UV dose established by the EPA.