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Aboveground Storage Vessels Safety Program

Program regulating the safety of aboveground storage vessels with a capacity of 21,000 gallons (500 barrels) or more at petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, and bulk storage terminals.

Types of Aboveground Storage Vessels Regulated

30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 338 adopts the requirements of Senate Bill 900 that amended the Texas Water Code. The ASVS Program and new rules that apply to aboveground storage vessels (storage tanks) that meet the following criteria:

  • are located at a petrochemical plant, a petroleum refinery, or a bulk storage terminal,
  • have a capacity of 21,000 gallons (500 barrels) or more,
  • store a regulated substance as defined by TWC Section 26.343 , and
  • are constructed with non-earthen materials.

Your aboveground storage tank may already be regulated by other state or federal air, water, and waste regulations and you must continue to comply with those regulations. This new ASVS Program specifically concerns safety performance standards and compliance, in addition to any other applicable state or federal regulations. To review the requirements for aboveground storage tanks containing petroleum products, see the Petroleum Storage Tanks page.

Exemptions from the ASVS Program

The following aboveground tanks are not considered storage vessels:

  • Used for or associated with producing or gathering crude oil or natural gas.
  • Part of a stormwater or wastewater collection system.
  • Flow-through process tanks, including pressure or process vessels and oil and water separators.
  • Operated above 0.5 PSIG.
  • Heated tanks.
  • Intermediate bulk containers that may be moved within a facility.
  • Regulated under the federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act.
  • Used to store products regulated under the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
  • Used for managing leachate, methane gas, or methane gas condensate, unless used for storing a regulated substance.
  • Used to store liquefied petroleum.
  • Regulated under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

Timeline for the ASVS Program

  • Aug. 24, 2023: Effective date. 
  • Sept. 1, 2027: Registration deadline. 
  • Sept. 1, 2037: Self-certification deadline for existing vessels. New vessels constructed after Sept. 1, 2027 must certify compliance within 30 days of the start date.

Goals of the Rules

The ASVS Program goals include:

  • Protect groundwater and surface water in the event of an accident or natural disaster.
  • Identify new safety elements that TCEQ must include in the ASVS Program.
  • Define which entities are regulated.

Rule Adoption

TCEQ adopted the regulations for the ASVS Program on Aug. 2, 2023. View the rules in 30 TAC Chapter 338 . The effective date of the regulations was Aug. 24, 2023, but the deadline for registration is Sept. 1, 2027. The registration program is not yet available. TCEQ will provide details about the registration requirements via the GovDelivery updates and on this page as the information becomes available.