Report data online to the TCEQ.
Report the following through STEERS:
- Annual Emissions Inventory Report (AEIR)
- Air Emissions and Maintenance Events (AEME) Reporting
- Emissions Banking and Trading (EBT)
- Industrial and Hazardous Waste (IHW) NOR and Summaries
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Quarterly Report
- Pollution Prevention Planning (P2PLAN) Reporting
- Public Drinking Water (PDW)
- Tier II Reporting (TIERII)
- Training Roster Online Submittal (TROLS)
- Stack Test Online Reporting System (STORS)
Report the following through NetDMR:
- TPDES Discharge Monitoring Reports
Register the following through SUNSS:
- Surface Water Rights Data (SWRD) Annual Water Use Reports (WUR)