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Reporting on Monthly Effluent Report (MER) Forms

Resources for small business owners and local governments who have state-only (non TPDES) wastewater permits.

TCEQ prepares site-specific MER forms for facilities required to report, such as wastewater reuse and land application facilities. These prepared MER forms are populated with the parameters that are required to be reported for a specific permit or authorization. In the event you do not have a prepared MER form and you need to submit a report, you may email or call us at (512) 239-3383 to see if a prepared MER can be generated. Or, you can use the blank MERs below. Be sure that the parameters in the MER match the requirements in your permit or authorization.

Annual Soil Sampling for Land Application Permits

Operators with sludge permits and irrigation Texas Land Application Permit (TLAP) sites are required to submit annual soil sampling reports to TCEQ on Soil MER forms. The permit will specify the sampling intervals, and you will have a separate MER for each sample depth.

This is a workbook that contains an MER for sampling depths and a list of parameters and codes. Use the sheets for the appropriate sample depth, and sample for the parameters required by your permit. (TCEQ-20710) Microsoft Excel Document

Monthly Effluent Sampling for Domestic Reuse

Operators of domestic wastewater reuse authorizations are required to submit monthly effluent sample results to TCEQ on MER forms. The sampling requirements and parameters are specified in the authorization. Any on-site domestic water reuse does not require sampling.

This is a workbook that contains a generic MER for Type I and Type II reuse. This includes all possible parameters. Your authorization may not require monitoring of all parameters. (TCEQ-20709) Microsoft Excel Document

Monthly Effluent Sampling for Industrial Reuse

Industrial 210 reuse permits require monthly effluent sampling. The sampling requirements are specified in the permit. Sample results are reported on MER forms and kept onsite. These are blank MERs that you can use to maintain records. (TCEQ-20708) Microsoft Excel Document

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