Biennial Report to the 87th Legislature, FY2019 - FY2020
Table of contents and report requirements for our biennial report, which covers activities for fiscal 2019 and 2020.

Agency Activities: Enforcement
Agency Activities: Air Quality
Agency Activities: Water Quality
Agency Activities: Water Availability
Chapter 3: Legislation from the 86th Session
Appendix A: Assessment of Complaints Received
Appendix B: Permit Time-Frame Reduction and Tracking
Appendix C: Office of Public Interest Counsel Annual Report to the TCEQ
Appendix D: Evaluation of Water Basins in Texas Without a Watermaster
Report Requirements
TCEQ's Biennial Report to the Legislature is published every December prior to a regular legislative session, as required by the Texas Water Code, Section 5.178. This submission to the 87th Legislature also contains other information and reports that are required by statute and were last published in December 2018 in the Biennial Report to the 86th Legislature (SFR-57/18):
- Description of cooperative research efforts, page 29 [Water Code 5.1193].
- Waste exchange information, page 47 [Texas Health and Safety Code Section 361.0219(c)].
- Revenue spending from solid waste disposal and transportation fees, page 55 [THSC 361.014(a) and (b)].
- Assessment of complaints received, page 57 [Water Code Section 5.1773].
- Permit time-frame reduction process, page 65 [Government Code, Section 2005.007].
- Office of Public Interest Counsel evaluation of performance measures, page 73 [Water Code Section 5.2725].
- Study on water basins without a watermaster, page 85 [Water Code Sections 11.326(g) and (h)].