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Spills: Information for the Initial Notification

Information to have handy when making a telephone report of a spill.

When making a telephone report of a spill or pollution complaint, it's helpful to have the following information:

  • The date and time of the spill or release.
  • The identity or chemical name of any material released or spilled, as well as whether the substance is extremely hazardous.
  • An estimate of the quantity of material released or spilled and the time or duration of the event.
  • The exact location of the spill, including the name of waters involved or threatened, and any other media affected by the release or spill.
  • The extent of actual and potential water pollution.
  • The source of the release or spill.
  • The name, address, and phone number of the party in charge of, or responsible for, the facility, vessel, or activity associated with the release or spill. If that party is not at the site, also have the name and phone number of the party at the site who is in charge of operations.
  • The steps being taken or proposed to contain and clean up the released or spilled material and any precautions taken to minimize impacts, including evacuation.
  • The extent of injuries, if any.
  • Any known or anticipated health risks associated with the incident and, where appropriate, advice regarding medical attention necessary for persons exposed.
  • Possible hazards to the environment (air, soil, water, wildlife, etc.). This assessment may include references to accepted chemical databases, material safety data sheets, and health advisories. TCEQ may request estimated or measured concentrations of the contaminant for the state's hazard assessment.
  • The identities of any government or private-sector representatives responding at the scene.

Updated notification is required as soon as possible and when any information that would trigger a change in the response to the spill or discharge becomes known.