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Current TCEQ Contracts and Purchase Orders

List of current TCEQ contracts and purchase orders.

About Contracts & Purchase Orders

In accordance with state law, the TCEQ seeks competition before awarding contracts exceeding $5,000. In addition, state law provides that state agencies, including the TCEQ, may enter into certain contracts under programs where the competitive bid process takes place at the state level, rather than the agency level, to promote efficiency in contracting and to take advantage of the state’s purchasing power.

These programs, developed by the CPA, include the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA or Comptroller) Term Contracts, the Comptroller’s Non-Automated Contracts, certain Department of Information Resources (DIR) contracts, and Texas Multiple Awards Schedule (TXMAS).

In addition, the TCEQ has statutory authority to issue direct awards for certain work related to the cleanup of petroleum storage tank sites. Agencies may also purchase publications without seeking bids in certain circumstances.

The acquisition of these goods and services are categorized by Purchasing Category Codes (PCC), which are codes used to document the purchase method and the commodity type.

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Contracts & Purchase Orders

This dataset of active contracts and purchase orders that the TCEQ has set forth can also be found with more data filtering options on the Texas Open Data Portal - TCEQ Contracts & Purchase Orders . The dataset is updated daily.

If you would like to view the actual contract, purchase order or solicitation document, please go to TCEQ Records Online.  Under the Record Series section, select "FA / Contracts and Leases" or "FA / Purchase Orders" from the drop-down menu.  Under the Search Criteria section, select "Primary ID" from the first drop-down menu then enter the PCR number in the field to the right.  Press the Enter key or click on the Search button to see your results.

If you cannot find the document, please contact the Financial Administration Division at 512-239-0300 for assistance.

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Purchasing Category Codes (PCC)

Table of Purchasing Category Codes


Description of Procurement Method


CPA Term Contract - Contracts solicited by the CPA to be used by all state agencies


Scheduled Contracts - Purchases made with Fuel Cards


CPA Non-Automated Contract - Contracts solicited by CPA to be used by all state agencies


Information Technology Commodities/Services - Purchases not available on a Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract


Delegated Commodities/Services - Commodities and services that range from $0.00 - $10,000.00


Delegated Commodities/Services - Commodities (not services) that range from $10,000.01 - $25,000.00


Open Market Commodities - Commodities above $50,000.00 solicited by CPA for state agencies


Payment Card Purchase - Payment card purchase under CPA Managed Payment Card Contracts, except PCC B. 34 Texas Administrative Code § 5.57


Department of Information Resources (DIR) Contract - Contracts solicited by DIR to be used by all state agencies


Direct Publication Purchases - Contracts to purchase publications which are only available from a single source. Common examples include subscriptions that are only available from the publisher, or computer software and software maintenance that is only available directly from the publisher.


Services - Purchases that range from $10,000.01 - $25,000.00


Services - Purchases that range from $25,000.01 - $100,000.00


Emergency Purchases - Purchase that are above $25,000.00


TXMAS Contract - Texas Multiple Award Schedule (TXMAS) contracts have been developed by CPA from contracts awarded by the federal government or any other governmental entity of any state


H.B. 2694 - (82nd Leg., R.S.) Amended section 5.2292 of the Water Code to allow the TCEQ to make direct awards for scientific and technical environmental services or engineering services for remediation at PST sites that are placed in the PST State Lead program


Consultant - TGC, Subchapter B, § 2254.02 et seq


Employee Moving Expenses - TGC, § 2113.001, Refer to CPA's eXpendit


Travel Services Requisition - TGC, Ann., Title 10, Subtitle D, Chap. 2171.052-054


Interagency - TGC, Chap. 771 (Interagency Cooperation Act)


Interlocal (COG) - TGC, Chap. 791 (Interlocal Cooperation Act)


Memberships/Dues for Professional Organizations - TGC, § 2113.104


Postage - TGC, § 2113.103


Professional Services - TGC, § A, § 2254.001- 2254.005 (Professional Services Procurement Act)


Scientific & Technical - TGC, § A, § 2254.001- 2254.005 (Professional Services Procurement Act); Texas Water Code Chap. 5.2291


Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) - Texas Water Code Ann., Section 26.358 (e)(1)-(3) (Vernon’s Supp. 1990)


Refunds of Deposits - TGC, Section 403.077


Repairs and Renovation to Buildings - TGC, Title 10, Subtitle D, Chapter 2166.003 - 2166.004


Settlements/Judgments - TGAA, Article IX-44, Sec. 6.24, Judgments and Settlements and Article I-32, Strategy A.1.5. Tort Claims and Federal Court Judgments, 78th Leg. R.S., 2003. This notice supersedes FM 96-68, issued April 22, 1996


Tire Recycling - Texas Health & Safety Code, Section 361.112 and 361.1125


Training, College Tuition, Seminars/Conferences - State Employees Training Act, TGC, Annotated Sections 656.041-656.044, 656-046, 656.047, 656.048(a), 656.049 (Vernon 2004) & TGC, Title 10, Chap. 2155.078 (G) & TGC 771/791 (if an interagency contract, refer to 9-4)


Trust or Suspense - TGC, Section 403.036


Utilities (electricity, water, natural gas, wastewater treatment svc., waste disposal svc., propane, well water svc.) - TGC, Ann., Title 10, Subtitle D, Chap., 2155.001(D); Refer to CPA's eXpendit - Fiscal Matters (Utility Services)


Intergovernmental - Texas Water Code Ann., Subchapter B, § 5.229; and TGC, Chap. 792, § 792.002 (Texas/US; Texas/Mexico; Texas/Mexican States)


Special Purchases: Set Aside - TCPPD (WORKQUEST) Texas Correctional Industries (TCI) - TGC, Ann., Title 10, Subtitle D, Chap. 2155.132 (f)(2), 2155.138, TGC 497.023-029 and TGC 771


Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) - 77th Leg., RS, SB 5, Section 1, Subtitle C, Title 5, Texas Health & Safety Code, Chap. 386


Purchases made from Federal grants - TGC, Ann., Title 10, Subtitle D, Section 2155.140


Lease Payments for District Office Space for Certain Agencies and Programs - TGC, Ann., Title 10, Subtitle D, Chapter 2167.002 (b)


Insurance Services by State Agencies (Car Insurance) - Texas Labor Code, Title 5, Subtitle A, Ann., § 412.011 (a), (b), (1), (2), (c), (2), § 412.051 (a), (2)


Grants - Direct Awards - TAC, Title 30, Section 14.4(3) and Section 14.8 (a) (1) (A) and (B)

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