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Petroleum Product Delivery Fee

The State of Texas assesses this fee on the delivery of a petroleum product removed from a bulk storage facility for distribution or sale within the state.

Fee Rates

This fee is based on the capacity of the tank or vessel into which the petroleum product is delivered:

Capacity of Receiving Tank Fee
<2,500 gallons $1.70
≥2,500 gallons, but <5,000 gallons $3.45
≥5,000 gallons, but <8,000 gallons $5.45
≥8,000 gallons, but <10,000 gallons $6.95
≥10,000 gallons $3.45 for each increment of 5,000 gallons

If you have questions about whether you have been assessed the correct amount, please contact the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, which collects the fee. Their phone numbers are 800-252-1383 or 512-463-4600.

For additional information about this fee, please contact the TCEQ’s Financial Administration Division at 512-239-0369.


HB 7, 84th Legislature, required the TCEQ to adjust the petroleum product delivery fee rates to collect revenue in amounts not to exceed appropriations, less any amounts used for monitoring and remediation of releases occurring on or before Dec. 22, 1998. To meet the legislative requirement, the TCEQ implemented a fee rate reduction of 37 percent. The agency published the new rates in the Aug. 28, 2015, publication of the Texas Register.