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Galveston Bay Implementation Grant Program

Information about grant funds under the Bay Implementation Grant Program for projects that implement action items found in "The Galveston Bay Plan" while fostering community and local government involvement.

The Galveston Bay Estuary Program periodically provides grant funds under the Bay Implementation Grant Program for projects that implement action items found in "The Galveston Bay Plan" while fostering community and local government involvement. The grant program is designed to foster innovative solutions to local water pollution problems; protect, preserve and restore habitat; and encourage people of all ages to be environmental stewards. Granting opportunities are contingent upon availability of funds. The Bay Implementation Grant supports the following main actions outlined in "The Galveston Bay Plan":

  • Habitat Protection
  • Species Population Protection
  • Public Health Protection
  • Freshwater Inflow and Bay Circulation
  • Spills/Dumping
  • Shoreline Management
  • Water and Sediment Quality
  • Nonpoint Sources of Pollution
  • Point Sources of Pollution
  • Research
  • Public Participation and Education
  • The Galveston Bay Regional Monitoring Program Projects might include: habitat management projects, wetland conservation planning and acquisition, storm water management and improvement, pollution prevention, bay access, wastewater treatment plant technical assistance, watershed initiatives, erosion control, public outreach programs to low income neighborhoods, invasive species management, failing septic systems.

Who is eligible for this funding opportunity? The projects must be conducted in the Lower Galveston Bay Watershed, including: Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, and Liberty Counties. Eligible entities include: city and county governments; state agencies; colleges and universities; school districts; political subdivisions of the state (port authorities, river authorities, soil and water conservation districts, groundwater conservation districts); councils of governments and other regional authorities; and nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations.

What program is the contact for more information? Galveston Bay Estuary Program, 281-218-6461