TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Alison Stokes - TCEQ
EPA Update
Erik Snyder - EPA
Transportation Conformity Overview
Jamie Zech, Ph.D. - TCEQ
H-GAC Update
Graciela Lubertino, Ph.D. - H-GAC
TCEQ HGB Modeling Update
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
Global Model Performance Evaluation
Jim Smith, Ph.D. - TCEQ
International Transport and Background
Shantha Daniel, Ph.D. - TCEQ
Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) Analysis of Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds (HRVOC) Emissions in the Houston Ship Channel Area
Jim Smith, Ph.D. - TCEQ
TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
EPA Update
Erik Snyder - EPA
H-GAC Update
Graciela Lubertino, Ph.D. - H-GAC
2018 HGB Ozone Season Review
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
Texas 2015 Ozone NAAQS Transport SIP
Shantha Daniel, Ph.D. - TCEQ
TCEQ Modeling for the 2008 Ozone Standard
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
TCEQ and AQRP Research Projects
Jim Smith, Ph.D. - TCEQ
Intra-Basin and International Transport Modeling
Greg Stella - Alpine Geophysics, Eight-Hour Coalition
TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
EPA Update
Erik Snyder - EPA
H-GAC Update
Graciela Lubertino, Ph.D. - H-GAC
Representation of Emission, Banking, and Trading (EBT) Programs in the Point Source Emission Inventory
Shantha Daniel, Ph.D. - TCEQ
Modeling the Credit Registry
Kathy Wilson - TCEQ
2012 TCEQ Modeling Platform Update
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
Eight-County Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) Area Ozone Modeling Emissions Inventories
Chris Kite - TCEQ
2012 Seasonal Episode Ozone Source Apportionment Technology (OSAT) Analysis
Alpine Geophysics, Eight-Hour Coalition
TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
EPA Update
Erik Snyder - EPA
H-GAC Update
Graciela Lubertino, Ph.D. - H-GAC
Modeling the uncertainty of several VOC and its impact on simulated VOC and ozone in Houston, Texas
Yunsoo Choi, Ph.D. - University of Houston
2015 Ozone Season Review
Kasey Savanich - TCEQ
Addressing model over-prediction of ozone influx from the Gulf of Mexico
Jim Smith Ph.D. - TCEQ
Application of Top Ten Days Attainment Test from EPA’s Draft Modeling Guidance for the Dallas-Fort Worth Area
Chris Kite - TCEQ
TCEQ Modeling Platform OSAT Modeling
Greg Stella - Alpine Geophysics
The Threat of Wildland and Agricultural Fires to Ozone NAAQS Attainment in Southeast Texas
Al Hendler - AECOM
TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
EPA Update
Erik Snyder - EPA
H-GAC Update
Shelley Whitworth - H-GAC
Chemical condition and surface ozone in urban cities of Texas during the last decade: Observational evidence from OMI, CAMS, and model analysis
Yunsoo Choi, Ph.D. - University of Houston
2014 Ozone Season Review
John Jolly - TCEQ
CAMx to CMAQ Converter
Jim Smith Ph.D. - TCEQ
TCEQ 2012 Modeling Update
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
8-Hour Ozone Coalition Modeling Update
Greg Stella - Alpine Geophysics
2015 Air Quality Research Projects
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
H-GAC Update
Graciela Lubertino, Ph.D. - H-GAC
Overview of a New Tool to Develop Mobile Emission Inventories using MOVES (pptx)
John Koupal - ERG
NASA Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST) Meeting Review
Cohan, Ph.D. - Rice University
HGB NOX and VOC Trends
John Jolly - TCEQ
2011 Ensemble Modeling and DVF Calculations
Greg Stella - Alpine Geophysics
TCEQ Modeling Update
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
The Impact of Observational Nudging and Nesting on the Simulated Meteorology
and Ozone Concentrations from WRF-CMAQ during the DISCOVER-AQ 2013
Texas Campaign
Yunsoo Choi, Ph.D - University of Houston
Possible Exceptional Event: August 26, 2011
Erik Gribbin - TCEQ
TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
EPA Update
Erik Snyder - EPA
H-GAC Update
Emissions of Radical Precursors and Related Species from Traffic in Houston, Texas
Graciela Lubertino, Ph.D. - H-GAC
2013 Ozone Season Review
Jonathan Steets - TCEQ
Status Report on 8-hr Coalition Modeling
Dennis McNally - Alpine Geophysics
TCEQ Modeling Update
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
Automatic daily evaluation of air quality forecasting system at UH over the Southeast Texas (4km) and over the United States (12km)
Yunsoo Choi, Ph.D - University of Houston
2013 and 2014 Air Quality Research Projects
Doug Boyer & Jim Smith - TCEQ
TCEQ SIP Planning Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
185 Fee Program Update
Kathy Pendleton - TCEQ
H-GAC Conformity Update
Graciela Lubertino - H-GAC
Review of Comments Received for HGB MVEB SIP Revision
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
Continuous measurements of O3 and NO2 at two heights in Houston, TX
Barry Lefer - University of Houston
The influence of meteorology and atmospheric composition on the year-to-year variability in the number of ozone exceedances in Houston
Barry Lefer - University of Houston
University of Houston Air Quality Forecasting System and its Application
Yunsoo Choi - University of Houston
EPA Update
Erik Snyder - EPA
Enhanced Industry Sponsored Monitoring Ethylene / Propylene Trends at Lake Jackson
John Jolly - TCEQ
Discover Air Quality in Houston
Mark Estes - TCEQ
2013 Air Quality Research Program Projects
Doug Boyer - TCEQ
SIP Planning & Implementation Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
Houston Clean Air Network’s Ozone Map
Dan Price, Ph.D. & Matthew Tejada, Ph.D. - Air Alliance Houston
Modeling Flare Destruction and Removal Efficiency
Jim Smith - TCEQ
HRVOC Flare Survey Results
Marvin Jones - TCEQ
Nitryl Chloride Formation Chemistry - AQRP Project 10-015 Review
Dick Karp - TCEQ
SIP Planning & Implementation Update
Lola Brown - TCEQ
Initial Base Case Model Performance for 2008, 2009 and 2010
Houston 8-hr Ozone Coalition
Quantification of Industrial Emissions of VOCs, NO2, and SO2 by SOF and Mobile DOAS
Bernhard Rappenglueck - University of Houston
Development of Speciated Industrial Flare Emission Inventories for Air Quality Modeling in Texas
(videos available on request )
Daniel Chen - Lamar University
Modeling Update: HGB MOVES SIP Revision
Dick Karp - TCEQ