Air Quality Modeling
TCEQ staff use computer models to simulate the meteorological conditions and chemical reactions that form air pollutants and understand how air quality in a region will be affected by economic, population, and pollution emission changes.
Introduction to Air Quality Modeling
Learn more about the air quality modeling process:
- Emissions modeling
- Meteorological modeling
- Photochemical modeling
- Modeling procedure for developing a SIP for ozone
Air Quality Modeling Data
Find data files related to air quality modeling projects:
- Texas Air Quality Modeling (2019 Episodes)
- Texas Sulfur Dioxide Attainment Demonstration Modeling
- 2021 Regional Haze SIP Modeling (2016 Episode)
- 2015 Ozone NAAQS Transport SIP Modeling (2012 Episode)
- Texas 8-Hour Ozone Modeling (2012 Episodes)
Air Quality Research and Contract Project Reports
Learn about TCEQ-supported air quality research projects:
- On-road vehicles
- Other emission sources (e.g., industrial, oil and gas, construction, shipping, lawn mowing)
- Meteorological modeling
- Photochemical modeling
- Monitoring and data analysis
- Miscellaneous
Air Quality Technical Information Meetings
Attend or view presentations from a technical and scientific information meeting related to air quality modeling and analysis:
- Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Air Quality Technical Information Meeting
- Dallas/Fort Worth Air Quality Technical Information Meeting
- San Antonio Air Quality Technical Information Meeting
Exceptional Events and International Transport
Read technical documents related to air quality events affected by unusual, natural, and international sources.