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Air Quality Research and Contract Reports: Other Emissions Sources (e.g., industrial, oil and gas, construction, shipping, lawn mowing)

Reports related to air quality projects for industrial, commercial, residential, construction, oil and gas, natural, and other emissions sources.

Reports from Air Quality Research and Contract Projects related to emission sources other than on-road vehicles are posted here as PDF) files, unless otherwise specified. Some reports have companion data files in various formats.

For comments and questions regarding these reports, please e-mail us at, put "Other Emissions Sources Contract Report Inquiry" in the subject line, and include the web address of the report.

Commercial Marine Vessel Emissions Inventory Development for 2022 Modeling Platform - Ship traffic in the Gulf of Mexico and Texas ports can produce emissions that influence Texas air quality. Ramboll improved how the MARINe Emissions Resolver (MARINER) estimates shipping emissions by combining vessel tracking data with ship characteristics data. Ramboll developed 2022 commercial marine emission inventories for Texas. MARINER can be used to estimate current, past, and future emissions from commercial marine vessels for Texas air quality planning. (June 2024)

Fire Emission Inventory Development for 2022 Modeling Platform - Fires are large emission sources affecting ozone and particulate matter concentrations over regional scales, and therefore accurate Fire Emission Inventories (FEIs) are needed for exceptional event analyses and State Implementation Plan (SIP) modeling. In addition to developing the model-ready fire emissions, comparisons were generated of the Fire Emission Inventories against each other and EPA’s 2022 beta fire emissions inventory. (June 2024)

Biogenic Emissions Inventory Development for 2022 Modeling Platform - Ramboll created gas emission outputs from vegetation and soil using meteorological inputs and the latest version of MEGAN model (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature) for the whole year 2022. These outputs will form part of the background emissions for the year 2022 to model ozone and particular matter pollution. (June 2024) (June 2024)

Improving Aircraft Emissions Inventory Development - The objective of this project was to improve the accuracy and efficiency of airport EI development. The primary focus was on the estimate of aircraft activity, which is a critical element for estimating airport emissions. (February 2023)

Improvement of Locomotive and Rail Yard Activity Data Sourcing and Accuracy Project - The objective of this project was to streamline and improve the development of locomotive and rail yard source EIs by exploring and assessing various open-source data sets, and develop an updated Texas-specific fleet-mix by various categories through various comprehensive data mining efforts. (February 2023)

Updating the Marine Emissions Resolver - The Marine Emission Resolver was updated to be consistent with the April 2022 EPA Port Emissions Inventory Guidance and its usability was expanded by adding new reporting options and adding an option to estimate future year emissions that account for fleet turnover and age distribution. (June 2023)

Fire Emission Inventory Processing - In this project, Ramboll improved upon a Python-based fire emissions inventory processing tool. The final report details the improvements, and discusses CAMx modeling runs that were performed to evaluate performance of the various fire emissions inventories. The final report also discusses the modeling workshops that Ramboll held as part of this project. (June 2023)

Quantifying Potential Emissions Reductions Associated with Federal Phase 3 Nonroad Small spark-ignition Engine Regulatory Compliance and Lawn and Garden Equipment Electrification - The TCEQ contracted with Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG) to quantify the emissions impacts from the operation of nonroad small spark ignition engines complying with 50-state emission standard certifications as well as the operation of electric lawn and garden equipment, neither of which are currently accounted for in the EPA Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES) model or the TCEQ Texas Nonroad version 2 (TexN2) utility. ERG used a range of methods including survey work and published data to assess and quantify these impacts, which the TCEQ may include in on-going state implementation planning. (June 2023)

Research and Data Gathering of Port Emissions and Reduction Strategies - This project researched emissions reduction strategies including incentive/grant programs, voluntary programs, and regulatory measures that have been successfully implemented at various ports. Data was gathered to quantify a range of potential emissions reductions for the recommended measure identified, cost, approximate timeline to implement, and any potential cost savings for vessel owners or ports. (June 2023)

HAP Speciation Profiles for Natural Gas-Fired Turbines and Reciprocating Engines - In this project, Eastern Research Group (ERG) performed a literature search to find updated Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) speciation profile information for natural gas-fired engines and turbines. (June 2022)

Enhance MARINER Tool for Commercial Marine Emission Inventories - The project expanded the Marine Emissions Resolver (MARINER) python program for estimating emissions from commercial marine vessels by adding new reporting options and improving processing efficiency. (June 2022)

MEGAN version 3.2 Training - This project by Ramboll provided MEGAN v3.2 biogenic emissions model training to generate CAMx-ready biogenic emissions with the latest vegetation data for Texas urban areas. (June 2022)

EPS3 NetCDF Enhancement, Tools, and Training - In this project, Ramboll enhanced the Emissions Processing System version 3.40 to optionally generate emission files in the netCDF format, developed a suite of data manipulation tools for CAMx netCDF files, and provided training to the TCEQ. (June 2022)

Develop Tools to Process and Evaluate Options for Improved Fire Emission Inventories (EIs) - In this project Ramboll developed a new literature-based Python Fire Emissions Inventory (FEI) processor that provides the TCEQ a flexible fire emissions processing platform that can process four different FEIs which are FINN1.0, FINN2.5, GFAS1.2, QFED2.5. The design of the FEI processor allows efficient future customization. (June 2022)

Commercial Marine Vessel Research - Shore Power and/or Alternative Emissions Controls - This report, provided by Ramboll US Consulting, Inc., documents the findings from a project to investigate the presence and possible use of shore power and/or alternative emissions control technologies for commercial marine vessels (CMV) while at ports in Texas waterways. Identifying the presence and potential use of such technology would help to improve the accuracy of TCEQ’s CMV emissions inventories. (June 2022)

Update to Reporting of Automated RFP Results in TexN2 and Pollutant Selections in the Graphical User Interface - In this project, Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG) updated the Texas NONROAD version 2 (TexN2) utility to streamline the reporting of automated Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) results and to allow the user to specify pollutant(s) for model runs by adding a new pollutant selection function to the utility Graphical User Interface (GUI). These updates resulted in a new version of the utility, TexN2.3. (June 2022)

2020 Texas Statewide Locomotive and Rail Yard Emissions Inventory and 2011 through 2050 Trend Inventories - This report, provided by the Texas A&M Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), documents the development of a calendar year 2020 annual and ozone season daily emissions inventories for all locomotive and rail yard sources located in the State of Texas. The inventory will be used for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) and will be incorporated into the EPA’s 2020 National Emissions Inventory (NEI). This project also included the development of 2011 to 2050 statewide trend inventories of Texas locomotive and rail yard emissions. (October 2021)

2020 Texas Statewide Airport Emissions Inventory and 2011 through 2050 Trend Inventories - This report, provided by the Texas A&M Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), documents the development of calendar year 2020 annual and ozone season daily emissions inventories for all airport sources including aircraft, Auxiliary Power Units (APU), and Ground Support Equipment (GSE) located in the State of Texas using the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) model. The inventory will be used for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) and will be incorporated into the EPA’s 2020 National Emissions Inventory (NEI). This project also included the development of 2011 to 2050 statewide trend inventories of Texas airport emissions using AEDT. (October 2021)

2020 Texas Commercial Marine Vessel Emissions Inventory and 2011 through 2050 Trend Inventories - This report, provided by Ramboll US Consulting, Inc., documents the development of 2020 annual and ozone season daily and 2011 through 2050 trend emissions inventories for commercial marine vessels (CMV). The emissions developed for analysis year 2020 include annual and summer weekday emissions for criteria air pollutants (CAPs), CAP precursors, and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). This inventory will be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the 2020 Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) . (July 2021)

Development of Texas Nonroad Model Mobile Source 2020 Air Emissions Reporting Requirements, Reasonable Further Progress, and Redesignation and Maintenance Emissions Inventories - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily emissions inventory for Nonroad model category mobile sources located in the State of Texas, for analysis year 2020. The emissions developed for analysis year 2020 include annual and summer weekday emissions for criteria air pollutants (CAPs) and CAP precursors as well as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) for Nonroad mobile categories. This inventory will be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the 2020 Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) . (July 2021)

TexN2.2 Utility Updates for Compatibility with the US EPA MOVES3 Model - In this project, Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG) updated the Texas NONROAD version 2 (TexN2) utility to be compatible with version 3 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES). Enhancements were added to the utility to streamline the way TexN2 handles alternative equipment scrappage curves and generates county databases for submittal for the Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) and National Emissions Inventory (NEI). These updates resulted in a new version of the utility, TexN2.2 . (April 2021)

Area Source Texas Calculator for Paved and Unpaved Roads - This report, provided by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), provides updated emissions estimates of paved and unpaved road dust particulate matter (PM) emissions using actual 2017 Texas-specific vehicle miles traveled (VMT) data. TTI also developed a Texas-specific calculator that produces county-level road dust emissions estimates for both paved and unpaved roads. (August 2020)

TexN2.1 Utility Diesel Equipment Profile and Growth Factor Updates for Use with MOVES - The purpose of this study was to update selected nonroad diesel equipment profiles, equipment populations and growth factors contained in the TexN2 utility, developed to estimate nonroad equipment emissions for Texas. For this effort Eastern Research Group (ERG) updated the equipment populations and activity parameters associated with agricultural tractors and TxDOT nonroad diesel equipment. ERG also obtained and applied updated engine load factors for selected diesel equipment types, as well as growth factors for the full range of nonroad equipment categories contained within the TexN2 utility for 2013 through 2050 in order to improve the accuracy of future activity and emission estimates. These updates resulted in a new version of the utility, TexN2.1 . (July 2020)

Automation of Commercial Marine Vessel Emissions Inventory Development - In this project, Ramboll created the Marine Emissions Resolver (MARINER) automated tool to create commercial marine vessel emission inventory files from Automated Identification System (AIS) tracking data. The python code combines the AIS data with a ship characteristics database to provide input needed for the Emission Processor System in the TCEQ's air quality modeling system. (June 2020)

Development of Texas Statewide Aircraft Trend Emissions Inventories 2011 through 2045 - The primary objective of this project was to develop 2011 to 2045 statewide trend inventories of Texas airport emissions based on the 2017 emissions inventory developed using the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) model for estimating emissions. The trend inventories include airport activities for all Texas counties and provide both controlled and uncontrolled emissions datasets. The 2011 through 2045 emissions were projected based on growth factors from the FAA's Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) dataset. (August 2019)

Amine Unit Emissions Method Analysis - This study, by the University of Texas at Austin, evaluated methods (including publicly available direct measurement data, models, and process simulators) for estimating volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from amine units typically present at natural gas plants and processing operations. Amine units that target carbon dioxide (CO2) for removal (amine units in CO2 service) were the primary focus of this study, although data from amine units that target other acid gases such as hydrogen sulfide were considered. (August 2019)

2017 Texas Statewide Aircraft Emissions Inventory - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily emissions inventory for all airport sources including aircraft, Auxiliary Power Units (APU), and Ground Support Equipment (GSE) located in the State of Texas, for base year 2017. The inventory will be used for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) and will be incorporated into the EPA’s 2017 National Emissions Inventory (NEI). (January 2019)

Development of Texas Statewide 2017 AERR Emissions Inventory for Nonroad Model Category Mobile Sources - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily emissions inventory for Nonroad model category mobile sources located in the State of Texas, for analysis year 2017. The emissions developed for analysis year 2017 include annual and summer weekday emissions for criteria air pollutants (CAPs) and CAP precursors as well as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) for Nonroad mobile categories. This inventory will be submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the 2017 Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR). (October 2018)

Texas Commercial Marine Modeling Emissions Inventory - This report, provided by Ramboll Environ, estimated commercial marine vessel (CMV) emission inventories for the Texas coast using 2017 activity data from the high-resolution Automatic Identification System (AIS) and vessel registration information from IHS. Emissions were estimated for each vessel type and separated into processing streams for dredging, harbor craft at anchor, harbor craft in transit, ocean-going vessels (OGVs) at anchor, and OGVs in transit. The 2017 CMV emission estimates cover activity within 9 nautical miles of Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula, and activity within 3 nautical miles of the remaining Texas coastline. (June 2018)

Residential Non-Wood Combustion - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of a refined and comprehensive statewide non-wood residential combustion emissions inventory for the calendar year 2017 for four fuel types: natural gas, kerosene, distillate oil, and liquid petroleum gas (LPG). (June 2018)

Modeling Inventories for Mexico and Caribbean Countries to Support Quantitative Analysis of International Transport Impacts on Ozone Design Values and Regional Haze - Mexican anthropogenic emissions contribute to ozone and PM transport into Texas. Ramboll conducted this study to improve anthropogenic emissions from lands south of Texas and the continental United States within the TCEQ’s CAMx modeling. (June 2018)

Flash Tank Emissions - This report, provided by the University of Texas at Austin, documents the research and review of available literature and data on tank flash emissions over the production lifetime. The report reviewed calculated gas-to-oil ratios (casinghead gas production to crude oil production) for possible trends at the county and field level. (September 2017)

Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) Fuel Use Study - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily area source emissions inventories for ICI combustion activities in Texas. The project focused on the development of allocation factors applied to the State Energy Data System’s ICI combustion fuel usage, to differentiate boilers vs engines for distillate and point vs area sources for natural gas. Improved county-level fuel usage allocations were also developed. (July 2017)

Area Source Asphalt Paving Project - This report provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of updated emissions factors and methods using Texas-specific data to estimate emissions from asphalt paving in the area source inventory. Material safety data sheets were used to develop updated Texas-specific volatile organic compounds and other applicable hazardous air pollutants emission factors for cutback and emulsified asphalt paving activities. Emissions inventories were prepared using asphalt usage activity and county-level vehicle miles traveled data from the Texas Department of Transportation projects. (June 2017)

Ocean-Going Tanker Vessel Lightering Emissions in the Gulf of Mexico - This report, provided by Ramboll Environ (RE), documents the estimation of the lightering emissions from offshore ocean-going vessels (OGV) during 2014 and inclusion of these emissions in the existing OGV emission inventory. Lightering occurs during the import or export of cargo when a smaller tanker vessel is needed to navigate nearshore waters and into ports. (June 2017)

Growth Factors for Area and Point Sources (revised) - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of a comprehensive suite of growth factors for point and area sources. The growth factors were based upon a base year of 2014 and were developed for each year between 2015 and 2050 as well as a back-cast year of 2011. (September 2016)

Aircraft Emissions Inventory for Texas Statewide 2014 AERR Inventory and 2008 to 2040 Trend Analysis Years (revised) - This revised report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily emissions inventory for airports located in the State of Texas, for base year 2014. The project focused on Texas’ medium and large airport take-off and landing emissions as well as ground support equipment emissions. Trend emissions inventories were also developed for years 2008 to 2040. (May 2016)

Development of Texas Statewide 2014 AERR Inventory and Trends Data for Nonroad Model Category Mobile Sources - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily emissions inventory for NONROAD model category mobile sources located in the State of Texas, for analysis year 2014. The emissions developed for analysis year 2014 includes annual and summer weekday emissions for criteria air pollutants (CAPs) and CAP precursors as well as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) for nonroad mobile categories included within the Texas NONROAD (TexN) model. Trend emissions inventories were also developed for years 2008 to 2040. (September 2015)

2014 Texas Statewide Locomotive Emissions Inventory and 2008 through 2040 Trend Inventories - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily emissions inventory for Locomotive activities in the State of Texas, for AERR reporting year 2014. The project focused on Texas’ Class I, II, and III railroad activity and emissions by rail segment for all counties in the state. Trend emissions inventories were also developed for years 2008 to 2040. (August 2015)

2014 Texas Statewide Commercial Marine Vessel Emissions Inventory and 2008 through 2040 Trend Inventories - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of an annual and ozone season daily emissions inventory for Commercial Marine Vessel activities in the State of Texas, for AERR reporting year 2014. The project focused on Texas’ Category 1, 2, and 3 vessel activity and emissions by waterway for the entire state. Trend emissions inventories were also developed for years 2008 to 2040. (August 2015)

Link-based Modeling Emissions Inventory of Marine Vessels (Ocean Going Vessels) in Transit and at Anchor in the Gulf of Mexico - This report, provided by Ramboll Environ, details creation of a link-based modeling emissions inventory for marine vessel activity in the Gulf of Mexico using AIS ship transponders for 2014 ship traffic. This highly detailed annualized ship data replaces a 2002-era EPA sponsored EI. (July 2015)

2014 Statewide Drilling Rig Emissions Inventory with Updated Trends Inventories - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of a statewide 2014 emission inventory (EI) for drilling rig engines associated with onshore oil and gas exploration activities in Texas. The project builds upon two previous TCEQ drilling rig studies, with a primary focus on updating drilling rig emission factors and equipment profiles based upon new data collected through a survey of Texas drilling companies conducted in 2015. The study includes emission trends of county-level controlled and uncontrolled emissions for the years 2008 through 2040. (July 2015)

Refinery Intermediate Product Literature Review - This report, provided by University of Texas at Austin, documents the research and review of available literature on intermediate refinery products. Information was collected on the following intermediate products: gas oils, heavy and light naphtha, atmospheric and vacuum tower bottoms, asphalt, coker naphtha, reformate, pyrolysis gasoline, and residuum. This report includes a set of support data (zipped Excel files) . (August 2014)

Specified Oil and Gas Well Activities Emissions Inventory Update - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of refined emissions factors and methods to estimate emissions from upstream oil and gas hydraulic pump engines and mud degassing activities for area source inventory development at the county-level. The project developed region-specific emission factors and equipment profiles for eight geographic regions in the state. The project also evaluated the effects of New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart OOOO control requirements on 2013 emissions inventory estimates. (August 2014)

Texas NONROAD Model Update and Enhancement - This report, developed through a work order with Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents revisions made to diesel construction equipment population, activity profiles, and growth factors within the Texas NONROAD model (TexN), updated meteorological data within TexN, and revisions made to the model’s reporting utility to include outputs for mercury and arsenic. (July 2014)

Emission Inventory of Bulk Gasoline Terminals and Bulk Gasoline Plants - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), ducuments the development of an annual emissions inventory for bulk gasoline terminals and bulk gasoline plants located in the State of Texas, for base year 2011. The project focused on VOC evaporative and fugitive emissions from motor gasoline loading racks, storage tanks, and equipment leaks at bulk gasoline terminals and bulk gasoline plants. (August 2013)

Upstream Oil and Gas Heaters and Boilers - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), ducuments the development of refined emissions factors and methods to estimate emissions from upstream oil and gas heaters and boilers for area source inventory development at the county-level. The project developed region-specific heater and boiler activity data for eight geographic regions in the state as well as an updated nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission factor for these source types. (August 2013)

Condensate Tank Oil and Gas Activities - This report was developed at TCEQ’s request under a contract with Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG). The report documents the development of refined emissions factors and methods to estimate emissions from condensate storage tanks for area source inventory development at the county-level. The project developed region-specific emission factors and control factors for eight geographic regions in the state. Attachment C (Excel) Attachment D (Excel) (October 2012)

Forecasting Oil and Gas Activities - This Eastern Research Group (ERG) report provides projection factors for oil and gas production from a 2011 baseline year out to 2035. Using historical data from the Texas Railroad Commissions, different projection methodologies are considered with the most robust one being based on the Hubbert peak curve theory. Yearly production factors by year are provided for the Barnett, Eagle Ford, and Haynesville shale formations, with separate factors for oil, natural gas, and condensate. Growth Factor Data (August 2012)

Development of Texas Statewide Drilling Rigs Emission Inventories for the years 1990, 1993, 1996, and 1999 through 2040 - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of statewide criteria and hazardous air pollutant emission inventories (EI) for drilling rig engines associated with onshore oil and gas exploration activities in Texas. These EI were prepared using well drilling activity data from Texas Railroad Commission, combined with emissions data collected through a bottom-up survey effort in 2009 study. This study represents a significant improvement upon the 2009 effort and depicts emission trends of county-level controlled and uncontrolled EI over multiple years. (August 2011)

TCEQ 2010 Flare Study - The purpose of this project was to conduct field tests to measure flare emissions and collect process and operational data in a semi-controlled environment to determine the relationship between flare design, operation, vent gas lower heating value (LHV) and flow rate, destruction and removal efficiency (DRE), and combustion efficiency (CE). (August 2011)

Characterization of Oil and Gas Production Equipment and Develop a Methodology to Estimate Statewide Emissions - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc, documents the development of improved emissions factors and improved methods to estimate emissions for the upstream oil and gas category in the area source inventory. The project developed county-level inventories for the following specific source categories: compressor engines, artificial lift (pumpjack) engines, dehydrators, dehydrator's reboilers, storage tanks, loading, well completions, well blowdowns, pneumatic devices, heaters and fugitive sources. A statewide calendar year 2008 oil and gas area source inventory was also completed. (November 2010)

Emission Factor Determination for Produced Water Storage Tanks - This report, provided by ENVIRON, documents the development of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emission factors for produced water storage tanks servicing oil and gas wells. (August 2010)

Oil and Gas Tank Emission Measurements - This report, provided by Environ, documents findings from the direct measurement of volatile organic compound emissions from condensate and produced water tanks at seven tank battery sites in the Dallas-Fort Worth area during July 2010 using a single thief hatch sampling apparatus. This report includes several auxiliary documents (zipped) . (August 2010)

Control of VOC Flash Emissions from Oil and Condensate Storage Tanks in East Texas - This report estimated the volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission reduction resulting from the implementation of requirements in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 115.112(d)(5) to control VOC flash emissions from crude oil and condensate storage tanks at wellhead sites in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria 1997 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area. The study also evaluated the potential VOC emission reductions should the 30 TAC 115.112(d)(5) rule be extended to the Beaumont-Port Arthur 1997 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area and the Haynesville Shale area. (August 2010)

Offshore Oil and Gas Platform Report - This report, written by Eastern Research Group, Inc., quantifies emissions specifically for offshore oil platforms and gas platforms in Texas state waters. Dual oil and gas platforms are not included in the emissions inventory. The inventory year for this project was 2008. (August 2010)

Fuel Oil Tank Emissions Testing Feasibility Study - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, details the evaluation of the vapor sampling capabilities of the GOST apparatus in a 500 barrel unheated atmospheric oil storage tank at an oil and gas lease in Midland, Texas. (August 2010)

Barge Emission Estimates - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc., quantifies volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from liquid cargo barges while in transit in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, Beaumont/Port Arthur, and Corpus Christi industrial waterways. VOC as well as speciated hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions are estimated at the county level for the 2008 calendar year. (August 2010)

Ethylene, Propylene, and 1,3-butadiene Pipeline Emissions Inventory - Eastern Research Group, Inc. was contracted by the TCEQ to locate and quantify speciated and total VOC emissions, specifically highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOC) emissions, from pipelines transporting ethylene, propylene, and 1,3-butadiene in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria ozone nonattainment area. Information from this project was used to develop a 2008 area source inventory for HRVOC pipelines. (August 2010)

Implement Port of Houston's Current Inventory and Harmonize the Remaining 8-county Shipping Inventory for TCEQ Modeling - This report, provided by Environ International Corp., documents the improvements of shipping emission estimations using new detailed data from the Port of Houston and integrating it with data from other ports in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria Area. The improvement is mostly from the use of 2007 ship movement data vs. 1997 data previously used. Emissions for the year 2007 are modestly lower, but future controls and updated activity projections lead to lower future emissions estimates for 2018. (August 2010)

Enhancement of GloBEIS - This report, provided by Environ International Corp., documents the development of a new front-end for the Global Biosphere Emissions and Interactive System (GloBEIS) model. The enhanced front end will make it possible to prepare multiple days' emission inventories at once, which will reduce the likelihood of error and speed up the modeling process. GLOBEIS is also improved by enhancing the model's ability to estimate emissions for sesquiterpenes and other VOCs. (June 2010)

Differential Absorption Lidar Study - This report by TCEQ documents the DIAL measurements of industrial emissions sources in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria nonattainment area during summer 2007. Measurements focused on those industrial sources that are difficult to measure using conventional sampling techniques. (March 2010)

Shipping Lane Processing for EPS3 and TexAQS II Ship Emissions Rate Data Comparison to Enhance the Shipping Emissions Inventory for TCEQ Modeling - This report, provided by Environ International Corp, covers the development of a link-based elevated shipping processing enhancement to EPS3. The process was demonstrated by including a sophisticated OGV EI across the gulf and oceans using the STEEM EI, and integration with the EPA near port Ei in state waters. (August 2009)

Development of Emissions Inventory of Agricultural Equipment in All Texas Counties - Part Two Task 6 - This report, provided by E.H. Pechan & Associates, Inc., summarizes the work to improve the default criteria pollutant emission estimates from agricultural equipment such as tractors, combines, mowers, and sprayers, in the TexN database. The project was in two parts. In the first phase, a telephone survey was conducted of agricultural equipment owners in Texas and in the second phase, the data collected was used to refine equipment populations, annual hours of use, and seasonal, weekly and diurnal activity profiles for these equipment types. The report has a companion Excel data file (zipped) . (August 2009)

Update of Diesel Construction Equipment Emission Estimates for the State of Texas - Phase I and II - This report, developed through a work order with Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents a study conducted to refine the previous emissions inventory for DCE using surveys and other available data sources to collect data on equipment activity and use across the state. This project was conducted in two Phases. The first Phase began by identifying those elements of the previous inventory with the highest levels of uncertainty and the greatest impacts on emission estimates, and then developed strategies for improving upon these elements, collecting the necessary data to modify them to produce more accurate emissions estimates. Phase II of the study involved utilizing existing information to refine the non-road equipment inventory and use profiles, as well as the core emissions model within the Texas NONROAD (TexN) model. (July 2009)

Upstream Oil and Gas Storage Tank Project Flash Emissions Models Evaluation - The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods and models for estimating flashing emissions from storage tank batteries. The study gathered process, operational, and measurement data from tank batteries servicing gas or oil wells across the state. The report compares measured flashing emissions to the emissions determined by conventional emissions estimation methods, including emissions models. (July 2009)

Minor Point Source Emissions - Phase 2 - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of criteria and hazardous air pollutant emissions from minor point sources which emits air contaminants into the air and is not required to report annual actual emissions. Minor point sources cover many types of facilities (i.e., equipment and processes). The categories covered were asphalt paving, concrete related and mineral related products. Data was collected from: previous studies, and through contacting representatives of manufacturers, and/or service companies. The Contractor identified common processes within each category. The results of these investigations and survey results served as inputs to the development of an emissions inventory. A statewide emissions inventory of minor source was developed for calendar year 2005, 2008 and projected future years. (July 2009)

Minor Point Source Emissions - Phase 3 - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of criteria and hazardous air pollutant emissions from minor point sources which emits air contaminants into the air and is not required to report annual actual emissions. Minor point sources cover many types of facilities (i.e., equipment and processes). The categories covered were food and kindred products, wood products and fabricated metals. Data was collected from: previous studies, and through contacting representatives of manufacturers, and/or service companies. The Contractor identified common processes within each category. The results of these investigations and survey results served as inputs to the development of an emissions inventory. A statewide emissions inventory of minor source was developed for calendar year 2005, 2008 and projected future years. (July 2009)

Drilling Rig Emission Inventory for the State of Texas - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents the development of criteria and hazardous air pollutant emissions from drilling rig engines. Data was collected from: previous studies, websites, publications and through contacting representatives of equipment manufacturers, exploration and production, and/or service companies. The Contractor identified the major basins and fields across the state where significant oil and gas exploration activity occurred during 2008 using Texas Railroad Commission permitting information and other data sources. The results of these investigations and survey results served as inputs to the development of an emissions inventory. A statewide emissions inventory of onshore oil and gas exploration facilities in Texas was developed for calendar year 2002, 2005, 2008 and projected future years. (July 2009)

Top-down Emissions Verification (TDEV) of Industrial Emissions in Houston Based on TexAQS II Data - This report, developed through a work order with Earth System Science Center at University of Alabama in Huntsville, assesses the accuracy of emissions of HRVOCs emitted by sources in the Houston Ship Channel (HSC). The assessment was to be made by comparing ambient measurements of HRVOCs collected by the SOF monitoring and by aircraft (e.g., Baylor Aztec, NOAA P-3) with modeled concentration predicted from the UAH LESchem model. The LESchem model can be run at grid sizes down to 150 meters and time-steps of 5 minutes, which can resolve turbulent eddies. This in turn allows the determination of “turbulent” chemistry as well as the “mean” chemistry in an air parcel. The “mean” chemistry is the chemistry addressed by photochemical models such as CAMx and CMAQ. The meteorological parameters for the UAH LESchem model are provided by the RAMS meso-scale model, in fact the UAH model is actually referred to as the RAMS-LESchem model. The RAMS-LESchem model was applied to a set of five nested domains centered on the HSC, with grid sizes from 12.15 km down to 150 meters. Due to a number of reasons discussed in the report, meteorological parameters (e.g., PBL) of sufficient accuracy could not be simulated. As the author suggests, it may have been premature to apply an LESchem model to a region as complex as the HSC. (September 2008)

Stage I and Stage II Gasoline Dispensing Emissions Inventory - This report, provided by Eastern Research Group, Inc, documents a statewide survey of gasoline stations. Gasoline throughput data for the year 2007 from individual gasoline stations was subsequently used to calculate an emissions inventory of volatile organic compounds of the gasoline dispensing categories which include underground tank loading (Stage I) and vehicle refueling (Stage II). (August 2008)

Auto Refinishing Coatings: VOC Emission Inventory - This project, by Eastern Research Group, Inc., developed an inventory for auto refinishing sites. The sites that are not captured in the point source emissions inventory will be identified, the annual VOC emissions will be determined and growth factors will be developed for this type of area source. (August 2008)

Architectural Coatings: VOC Emission Inventory - This project by Eastern Research Group, Inc. improved the area source emissions inventory by identifying, collecting and evaluating architectural coatings applied to the exterior of stationary structures, portable buildings, pavements, and curbs. (August 2008)

Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Facilities - The purpose of this project, developed through a work order with Eastern Research Group, Inc., was to compile a comprehensive emissions inventory for onshore and offshore oil and gas exploration and production facilities in Texas for the base year 2005. This project addressed the development of an emissions inventory for oil and gas industry sources in Texas that have not been well characterized previously. The focus was on many smaller and much more diffuse sources that occur in the course of exploring for oil and gas and bringing these products to the marketplace. The emissions estimates were developed using top-down, area source methods. Much of the activity data used to develop the emission estimates came from records maintained by the Texas Railroad Commission (TRC). The 2005 base year emission estimates were also projected to future years. Projection years included 2010, 2015, and 2020. A procedure involving the use of U.S Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Information Administration (EIA) oil and gas production growth estimates for the Texas region was used to perform the projections. (August 2007)

Statewide Diesel Construction Equipment Inventory - This report, provide by Eastern Research Group (ERG), documents the development of the data needed to extend existing quantification methods for statewide, county level inventories. In this study, detailed data on DCE populations and activity were collected in order to estimate emissions levels. The results of the study significantly improve the precision of previous emission inventory efforts for the construction sector, and provide a more accurate baseline for future modeling assessments. (August 2005)

Data Collection, Sampling and Emissions Inventory Preparation Plan for Selected Commercial and Industrial Equipment: Phase II - This report, developed through a work order with Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG), documents a study to estimate equipment populations, activity profiles, and resulting emissions for certain industrial and commercial non-road equipment. This study focused mainly on characterizing equipment population and activity profiles for Forklifts, Transportation Refrigeration Units, Terminal Tractors, and stationary diesel generators in the 9-county DFW area. The findings from the forklift analysis were specifically extended to the 8-county HGB non-attainment area as well. (August 2005)

Source Attribution and Emission Adjustment Study - Task 1: Back-Trajectory Climatology and Identification of Key Source Regions - This report was completed by Yulong Xie and Carl Berkowitz of Battelle Memorial Institute, and was supported by grant money from EPA and TCEQ. This study examines the automated gas chromatography data collected by the Enhanced Industry Sponsored Monitoring network in 2003. The dense network of auto-GCs allowed the chemical data to be combined with a detailed back trajectory analysis to estimate the locations, and possibly, the strength of VOC sources in the industrial areas of Houston. (January, 2005)

Ground Truth Verification of Emissions in the Houston Ship Channel Area (Revised) - This report, developed through a work order with Sonoma Technology, Inc., summarizes the work conducted and the findings based on site visits to eight facilities that represent an array of reactive volatile organic compound emission sources for petrochemical facilities of varying sizes near the Houston Ship Channel area. It includes (a) a description of the on-site truth activities conducted during winter 2001-2002, (b) statistical summaries of emission discrepancies, and (c) recommendations to improve emission estimation and/or reporting procedures. (August 2002)

Development of Source Speciation Profiles from the 2000 TCEQ Point Source Database - This report, developed through a work order with Pacific Environmental Services, Inc. under a subcontract to Environ International Corp., provides detail on a project that reviewed existing data from the 2000 TCEQ Point Source Database (PSDB) and developed source specific and SCC specific volatile organic compound speciation profiles that may be used to improve the point source speciation of these emissions for future modeling episodes. (August 2002)

High Resolution Solar Radiation Data for Biogenic Emissions Modeling for 2000 Ozone Episodes in the Houston Area - This report, from the University of Maryland, provides the results of a study undertaken to produce high-resolution fluxes of photosynthetically active radiation over the Houston area. The report describes the development of the high resolution data, appropriate support information and a discussion of the data sources, analysis and quality assurance procedures. The data developed by this project include shortwave downward radiation, photosynthetically active solar radiation, and cloud cover at hourly, daily, and instantaneous averaging times, at 1/8 degree and 1/16 degree (4-km) spatial resolution, for the period August 15 - Sept 18, 2000. The 1/8 degree data include the entire US; the 1/16 degree data include the extended Texas area. These data are available upon request. (August 2002)

Biogenic VOC Emission Estimates for the TexAQS 2000 Emission Inventory: Estimating Emissions during Periods of Drought and Prolonged High Temperatures and Developing GloBEIS3 - This report, provided by ENVIRON International Corp., describes the development of Globeis3, which includes modules that will help account for biogenic emission changes due to drought and prolonged high temperatures. TCEQ commissioned this revision to Globeis in order to apply the best available information to the biogenic inventory for the drought-stricken summer of 2000. (April 2002)

Development of Source Speciation Profiles from the 2000 TCEQ Point Source Database - Memo - This memo, provided by Pacific Environmental Services, Inc, summarizes the development of point source emissions profile based on the TCEQ's 2000 Point Source Database (PSDB). (February 2002)

Development of Source Speciation Profiles from the 1999 TCEQ Point Source Database - This report, from Pacific Environmental Services, Inc. under a subcontract to Environ International Corp., provides detail on a project that reviewed existing data from the 1999 TCEQ Point Source Database (PSDB) and developed source specific and SCC specific volatile organic compound speciation profiles that may be used to improve the point source speciation of these emissions for future modeling episodes. This report has a set of Microsoft Access database files, compressed in a single zip file . (August 2001)

High Resolution Solar Radiation Data for Biogenic Emissions Modeling for 1998 Ozone Episodes in the Houston Area - This report, from the University of Maryland, provides the results of a study undertaken to produce high-resolution fluxes of photosynthetically active radiation over the Houston area. The report describes the development of the high resolution data, appropriate support information and a discussion of the data sources, analysis and quality assurance procedures. (August 2001)

Area and Mobile Source Emission Inventory Technical Support Project: 1990 - 2010 Emission Inventory Trends and Projections - This report, developed through a work order with Environ International, documents development of an update to the 1999 area, non-road and biogenic emission inventories and development of 1990 to 2010 trend/projected inventories for On-Road, Non-Road and area sources. All the inventories include VOCs, NOx, CO, SO2, and particulate matter (both PM10 and PM2.5). The trend inventories include development of 1990 to 2010 annual and ozone season day emission trends and projections for all area, on-road mobile, and nOn-Road mobile sources. (August 2001)

Development of Gridded Spatial Allocation Factors for the State of Texas (Updated) - This report, developed through a work order with Sonoma Technology Inc., provides details of a project to develop gridded spatial allocation factors for the state of Texas. The factors will be used to geographically distribute area and non road mobile source emissions which were developed from spatial surrogate data. Gridded spatial factors for a 2000 base-year were developed for the entire state as well as portions of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. This report has a companion data file in Comma Separated Values format (CSV). (August 2001)

Review of the Effects of Drought and High Temperatures on Biogenic Emissions, and Future Biogenic Research Efforts in Texas - This report, written by Alex Guenther of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, covers two topics. The first topic is a literature review of journal articles and other studies that focused on how drought and high temperatures affect biogenic organic compound emissions from vegetation. After reviewing the available evidence, the author recommends methods for modifying GLOBEIS that will take into account drought and high temperature effects, as they are currently understood. The second topic is a discussion of research approaches that could be used to validate biogenic emissions modeling in Texas. (August 2001)