PST Super Guide: A Comprehensive Guide to Compliance in Texas
A comprehensive guide to issues relating to PSTs, divided by subject into 15 modules.
State rules for petroleum storage tanks set technical standards that regulated PSTs must meet. (30 TAC Chapter 334 )
- RG-475a: Buying or Selling a Property with Underground Storage Tanks
- RG-475b: Installing a New or Replacement Underground Storage Tank
- RG-475c: Licensed Underground Storage Tank Contractors
- RG-475d: Petroleum Storage Tank Registration and Self-Certification
- RG-475e: Preventing Petroleum Storage Tank Spills and Overfills
- RG-475f: Protecting Petroleum Storage Tanks Against Corrosion
- RG-475g: Petroleum Storage Tank Release Detection and Inventory Control
- RG-475h: Suspected Releases from Petroleum Storage Tanks
- RG-475i: Financial Assurance for Petroleum Storage Tanks
- RG-475j: Gasoline Stage I and II Vapor Recovery
- RG-475k: Who Regulates Petroleum Storage Tanks?
- RG-475l: Temporarily Removing Petroleum Storage Tanks from Service
- RG-475m: Permanently Removing Petroleum Storage Tanks from Service
- RG-475n: Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks
- RG-475o: Training for Underground Storage Tank Operators: A guide for owners and operators of USTs