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The Advocate

The Advocate is a periodic update on TCEQ rules, including information about compliance issues and regulatory concerns that affect small businesses and local governments. It’s produced by the TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance Section.

Drought Response for Public Water Systems

September 2023—Extreme drought conditions have returned to Texas, and dry conditions are predicted to continue or worsen for the state. Public water systems may start to see a strain on their water supplies. TCEQ is encouraging public water systems to take reasonable measures to increase conservation efforts and identify and secure alternative water supplies to meet water needs.

Immediate Notification Required for Water Outage, Boil Water, Do-Not-Use, and Do-Not-Consume Notices

September 2023–Effective Sept. 1, 2023, Texas Health and Safety Code Subsection 341.033(i)(6) requires non-industrial public water systems (PWS) to immediately notify TCEQ in the event of an unplanned condition that has caused a public water supply outage or the public water supply system to issue a do-not-use advisory, do-not-consume advisory, or boil water notice. This requirement was added during the 88th legislative session by House Bill 3810.