The Advocate - Archived Articles
The Advocate provides periodic updates on TCEQ rules, including information about compliance and regulatory concerns affecting small businesses and local governments. TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance Section produces the newsletter. This page is a collection of previously published articles.
These archived articles are for your reference only and the links in them may no longer be active. If you need help finding information from a link that is no longer working call 800-447-2827 for assistance.
On this page:
2022 Articles
Oil and Gas Amendment to the Stormwater Construction General Permit
January 2022—TCEQ issued an amendment to the 2018 Construction General Permit (CGP) to apply to certain non-exempt oil and gas construction activities.
Free Technical Assistance Webinars for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems
January 2022—The EPA is conducting free webinars for owners and operators of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) on Jan. 27, Feb. 17, March 31, and April 28, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
2021 Articles
Please Register for a Virtual Water and Emergency Management Exercise - Jan. 18, 2022
December 2021—EPA is hosting a virtual exercise and facilitated discussion on water and emergency management coordination for planning and incident response.
Technical Assistance for Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Free Webinar
November 2021—The EPA is conducting a free webinar for owners and operators of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) on Dec. 16, 2021, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Virtual Public Hearing on the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program
November 2021—TCEQ is hosting a virtual public hearing on November 18, 2021 at 9 a.m. to receive comments on actions the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program (EAPP) should take to protect the Edwards Aquifer from pollution.
Free Webinars on Developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP)
October 2021—TCEQ is hosting FREE online workshops to help affected water utilities understand the requirements of Senate Bill 3 (SB3) and EPPs.
Grant Round Open – Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program (TxVEMP)
October 2021—TCEQ’s TxVEMP opened the grant round for direct current fast charging (DCFC) and hydrogen dispensing equipment for light-duty zero emission vehicles in Texas.
Texas Water and Power Resilience Workshop
September 2021—The EPA and TCEQ will conduct a virtual workshop to help drinking water, wastewater, and electric utilities understand how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from power outages.
TCEQ Seeks Stakeholder Input on Upcoming Rulemaking Related to On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSFs) and Occupational Licenses
September 2021—TCEQ is holding five virtual stakeholder meetings in September and October to present and take comments on rulemaking for on-site sewage facilities and occupational licenses and registrations.
Multi Sector General Permit (TXR050000) Renewal Period Begins
August 2021—TCEQ issued the new 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) effective August 14, 2021. The 2016 permit expired that same day. The MSGP regulates stormwater discharges from industrial activities.
Free Webinars: Technical Assistance for Publicly Owned Treatment Works
August 2021—The EPA is conducting free webinars for owners and operators of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) on August 26, September 22, October 21, and November 18, 2021, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
TCEQ Launches Electronic Submittals for the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Registration Program
August 2021—You can now submit registrations for both aboveground and underground storage tanks online through the State of Texas Electronic Environmental Reporting System (STEERS).
TCEQ 2021 Online Public Drinking Water Conference
June 2021—Please join us at this year’s online Public Drinking Water Conference on August 10-11, 2021!
Free Webinars for Managing Small Public Water Systems: Asset Management
June 2021—TCEQ is hosting FREE webinars to help water system owners, operators, managers, utility board members, and elected officials understand the importance of asset management and maintaining the system.
Free Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Compliance Webinars
June 2021—TCEQ is hosting FREE webinars for underground storage tank (UST) owners and operators to explain UST reporting and record-keeping requirements.
Multi Sector General Permit (TXR050000) Renewal Process Continues
June 2021—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is in the final steps of renewing the 2016 Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Multi Sector General Permit (MSGP) TXR050000.
Free Webinars: Protecting Utilities from Disaster
June 2021—The EPA is conducting free webinars to help protect wastewater and drinking water utilities from disaster by building resilience and adapting to climate change.
Free EPA-Sponsored Webinars for Small Public Water Systems
May 2021—The Texas Rural Water Association (TRWA) is hosting FREE 2-hour virtual workshops for public water systems serving populations of 10,000 or less.
EPA Issues Compliance Advisory for Small, Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Plants
April 2021—EPA issued a Compliance Advisory for owners and operators of small wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). It includes information to help WWTPs stay within the effluent limits of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.
Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: Virtual Engagements
April 2021—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting virtual public listening sessions on Lead & Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) so that communities and stakeholders may provide their perspectives on protections from lead in drinking water.
Free Webinars: Wastewater Compliance Solutions and Biosolids
March 2021—The EPA is conducting free webinars for wastewater treatment plant owners and operators on March 25, April 29, and May 27, from noon to 1:30 p.m. CST.
Industrial Hazardous Waste (IHW) Annual Waste Summary Reporting
February 2021—Due to the February 2021 severe cold weather event, TCEQ will be offering enforcement discretion for all electronic 2020 Annual Waste Summary reports (as specified in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Section 335.9(a)(2)(B)) that are due March 1, 2021.
Free Webinar: Operating a WWTP Laboratory
February 2021—The EPA is conducting a free webinar for wastewater treatment plant owners and operators on February 24, 2021, from noon to 1:30 p.m. CST
2020 Articles
Webinar on the Transient Noncommunity Notebook is Now Available
December 2020—TNC Notebook Webinar Now Online
Public Comment and Meeting for the Multi Sector General Permit, TXR050000
December 2020—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is in the process of renewing the 2016 Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Multi Sector General Permit (MSGP) TXR050000, which expires on August 14, 2021.
Oil and Gas - Discharge Delegation Stakeholder Meeting
December 2020—You are invited to a stakeholder meeting to discuss TCEQ’s activities and schedule for implementing House Bill (HB) 2771 (86th Legislature, 2019).
Free Webinars: Wastewater Treatment Microbiology and Sampling
November 2020—The EPA is conducting free webinars for wastewater treatment plant owners and operators on November 17, December 8, and January 27, from noon to 1:30 p.m. CST.
EPA Issues Compliance Advisory for Significant Non-Compliance Dischargers
October 2020—The EPA and TCEQ are increasing attention to individually permitted Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) facilities in significant non-compliance (SNC).
TCEQ Seeks Input on Public Notice and Participation Requirements
October 2020—TCEQ will hold virtual stakeholder meetings for rulemaking on alternative language public participation requirements.
Clarification on Requirements for New Dispenser and Under-Dispenser Containment Areas
September 2020—Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requirements apply to Underground Storage Tank (UST) facilities that install or replace dispensers to comply with Europay Mastercard and Visa (EMV) protection on card readers.
Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program Now Accepting Applications for Level 2 Charging Equipment for Light-Duty Zero Emission Vehicles!
September 2020—The Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program (TxVEMP) is now accepting applications for the purchase and installation of Level 2 charging equipment for light-duty zero emission vehicles in the State of Texas.
New Standard Permit Registration Form for Concrete Batch Plants
August 2020—TCEQ has a New Standard Permit Registration Form for Concrete Batch Plants.
Temporary Waiver for Electronic Reporting of Unauthorized Discharges and Unanticipated Bypasses
August 2020—TCEQ is issuing a temporary waiver for electronic submissions of the written reports for unauthorized discharges and unanticipated bypasses until December 21, 2023.
Free Webinars: Technical Assistance for Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs)
August 2020—The EPA is conducting free webinars on August 18, September 15, and October 20, 2020, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
Industrial and Hazardous Waste Rule Updates
July 2020—An industrial and hazardous waste rule project became effective June 11, 2020.
Free Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Compliance Webinars
July 2020—TCEQ is hosting FREE webinars for underground storage tank (UST) owners and operators to explain UST reporting and record-keeping requirements.
TCEQ to Host 2020 Public Drinking Water Virtual Conference
July 2020—Registration is now open for the FREE 2020 Public Drinking Water Virtual Conference.
Free Webinar: Discharge Monitoring Reports - Avoiding Common Mistakes
July 2020—EPA is conducting a free webinar on reporting for small wastewater treatment systems on July 15, 2020, from noon to 3:00 p.m.
EPA Clarifies New Testing Requirements for Certain Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Facilities
May 2020—Testing Requirements for Spill Prevention Equipment and Containment Sumps Used for Interstitial Monitoring of Piping
TCEQ’s New PST rules go into effect January 1, 2021
May 2020—Certain regulations from the May 2018 TCEQ Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) rules will go into effect starting January 1, 2021.
Free Webinars: Asset Management and Technical Assistance for Wastewater and Public Water Systems
April 2020—The EPA is conducting free webinars on April 15, May 13, and June 17, 2020, from noon to 2:00 p.m. CST.
Free Compliance Workshops - Transient Noncommunity Public Water Systems
March 2020—TCEQ is offering a FREE workshop for owners and operators of transient noncommunity (TNC) public water systems (PWS).
TCEQ Approves Publication of Proposed Rule for the Aggregate Production Operation Registration Program
February 2020—On February 12, 2020, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of the proposed rule for the Aggregate Production Operation (APO) Registration Program.
TCEQ Accepting Nominations for Water Utility Occupational Licensing Advisory Committee Members for Fiscal Year 2021
February 2020—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is currently accepting applications and nominations for appointment to the TCEQ Water Utility Occupational Licensing Advisory Committee (the Committee). TCEQ is seeking a total of seven new members to serve on the Committee beginning on September 1, 2020, for a four-year term.
Free Webinars: Optimizing Performance of Wastewater Lagoon Systems
February 2020—The EPA is conducting free webinars on February 19 and March 18, 2020, from noon to 2:00 p.m. CST.
Free Compliance Workshops for Transient Noncommunity Public Water Systems
February 2020—TCEQ is offering a FREE workshop for owners and operators of transient noncommunity (TNC) public water systems (PWS).
Free Webinar: Alkalinity Testing for WWTP Process Control
January 2020—The EPA is conducting a free webinar on Wednesday, January 29, 2020, from noon to 2:00 PM CST.
TCEQ Proposes Amendments to Landscape Irrigation Rules
January 2020—On January 15, 2020, TCEQ commissioners approved the publication of proposed rule revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 344, Landscape Irrigation.
Tier II Chemical Reporting for 2019 has Begun!
January 2020—Tier II annual reports for 2019 are now being accepted.
2019 Articles
Free Compliance Workshops for Transient Noncommunity Public Water Systems (PWS)
December 2019—TCEQ is offering a FREE workshop for owners and operators of transient noncommunity (TNC) public water systems (PWS).
Free Workshops on Developing a Nitrification Action Plan (NAP)
November 2019—TCEQ is offering FREE workshops for public water systems that use chloramines for disinfection.
Administrative Updates to the Sludge Rule: Comment Period and Public Meeting
October 2019—TCEQ seeks public comments on the proposed amended rules for the use, disposal, and transportation of sludge.
TCEQ Oil and Gas Industry Emission Event Workshop
October 2019—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is offering a FREE workshop to the oil and gas industry on how to properly evaluate and report emission events.
Stakeholder Meeting Scheduled for the Renewal of the Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit No. TXR050000
October 2019—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has begun the renewal process for the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for industrial facilities, TXR050000, which expires on Aug. 14, 2021.
UST Facility Class A and B Operator Training due January 2020
September 2019—Certified Class A and B Underground Storage Tank (UST) operators must be retrained by January 1, 2020, by completing an Operator Training Course which was approved by TCEQ after April 1, 2018.
Oil and Gas Discharge Delegation Stakeholder Meeting
August 2019—You are invited to a stakeholder meeting to discuss TCEQ’s activities and schedule for implementing House Bill 2771 (86th Legislature, 2019).
TCEQ to Host 2019 Autumn Environmental Conference & Expo
August 2019—TCEQ to Host Second Autumn Environmental Conference & Expo.
TCEQ Adopts Renewal of the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation General Permit (TXG920000)
July 2019—On June 26, 2019, TCEQ Commissioners renewed the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) General Permit, which authorizes the discharge of manure, sludge, and wastewater from a CAFO into or adjacent to water in the state; only during chronic rainfall or catastrophic conditions.
Stormwater Small (Phase II) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit (TXR040000) Renewal Period Ending
July 2019—TCEQ Commissioners renewed the general permit to authorize stormwater discharges from small MS4s in the state on January 24, 2019.
Beneficial Reuse of Treated Wastewater: Rulemaking Comment Period and Public Meeting
June 2019—TCEQ seeks public comments on the proposed amended rules for the beneficial reuse of treated wastewater.
Free Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Workshop – Waco
May 2019—It’s not too late for owners and operators of Phase II MS4s to register to attend a free workshop! There are still seats available in Waco.
EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference: Save the Date and Call for Presentations
May 2019—EPA Region 6, along with the states within Region 6, will host the 21st Annual Stormwater Conference from July 28, 2019 through August 1, 2019 in Denton, Texas.
Free Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Workshops – Houston & Waco
April 2019—It’s not too late for owners and operators of Phase II MS4s to register to attend a free workshop!
Last Chance for Early Pricing at 2019 ETFC
April 2019—Early Registration for the 2019 Environmental Trade Fair & Conference ends Friday, April 5.
Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) TXR050000, NetDMR Electronic Reporting Temporary Waiver Issued
March 2019—If you currently have an active stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) TXR050000 authorization, please be aware that although the MSGP states that effective Dec. 21, 2016, all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) must be submitted electronically using the online NetDMR reporting system, this option is not available at this time.
Stormwater Small (Phase II) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit (TXR040000) Renewed
March 2019—On Jan. 24, 2019, TCEQ Commissioners renewed the general permit to authorize stormwater discharges from small MS4s in the state.
Free Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Workshops
March 2019—The TCEQ is offering FREE workshops for owners and operators of Phase II MS4s. These workshops will provide you with valuable information to prepare a Stormwater Management Plan and provide insight on completing your annual report.
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation General Permit TXG920000 Renewal Comment Period and Public Meeting
February 2019—The Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) General Permit No. TXG920000 is scheduled for renewal in July 2019.
The EPA has Signed the Final Rule for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals
January 2019—On Dec. 11, 2018, the EPA Acting Administrator signed the final rule for “Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the P075 Listing for Nicotine”.
2018 Articles
Texas Water Development Board: Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Edinburg
November 2018—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a financial assistance workshop in Edinburg, Texas, on Tuesday, December 4, 2018.
Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit Sampling Results to be Submitted Electronically
November 2018—Multi-Sector General Permits (MSGPs), commonly referred to as Industrial Stormwater Permits, must now submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically using the NetDMR system.
UST Operator Training courses now available on TCEQ Website
October 2018—New Class A and Class B operator training providers are now available.
Stormwater Construction General Permit (TXR150000) Electronic Filing Required
September 2018—Effective Sept. 1, 2018, applicants seeking authorization or termination under the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Construction General Permit (TXR150000) must submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) or Notice of Termination (NOT) electronically using the online e-permitting system (STEERS).
New Municipal Solid Waste Application Checklist
August 2018—A new electronic checklist is available to assist customers with completing MSW applications.
Renewal of the Small (Phase II) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit, TXR040000
August 2018—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is in the process of renewing the 2013 Texas Pollution Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) general permit for small MS4s, TXR040000, which expires on December 13, 2018.
TCEQ Hosts First Annual Autumn Environmental Conference & Expo
August 2018—Wastewater/Stormwater Permitting sessions held October 10 – 11, 2018.
TCEQ to Host First Annual Autumn Environmental Conference & Expo
August 2018—TCEQ to Host First Annual Autumn Environmental Conference & Expo.
Stage II Vapor Recovery Equipment Decommissioning deadline is Aug 31, 2018
August 2018—All Stage II vapor recovery equipment must be decommissioned at all gasoline dispensing facilities in ozone non-attainment counties no later than Aug. 31, 2018.
“Our Water, Our Future: Communication, Collaboration, and Adaptive Management for Improved Stormwater Quality”
June 2018—EPA Region 6 and the Conference Planning Committee would like to invite all water professionals to participate at the 20th Annual EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference to be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico on August 19-23, 2018.
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) for MSGP Stormwater Permittees
June 2018—Starting Sept. 1, 2018, Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) must be submitted electronically using the NetDMR system, unless the permittee requests and obtains an electronic reporting waiver.
Dry Cleaner Advisory Committee Vacancy
May 2018—The Dry Cleaner Advisory Committee advises the TCEQ on implementing the Dry Cleaner Environmental Remediation Program.
Texas Water Development Board: Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Beeville on June 5
May 2018—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a financial assistance workshop in Beeville, Texas, on Tuesday, June 5, 2018.
TCEQ Adopts Revisions to the Petroleum Storage Tank Rules
May 2018—On May 9, 2018, TCEQ commissioners adopted revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 334, Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks.
Texas Water Development Board: Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Pleasanton
April 2018—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a financial assistance workshop in Pleasanton, Texas, on Tuesday, May 8, 2018.
Stormwater Construction General Permit (TXR150000) Renewed
March 2018—The TCEQ commissioners renewed the general permit to authorize stormwater discharges from construction sites and it became effective Mar. 5, 2018.
Texas Water Development Board: Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Big Spring on March 15
March 2018—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a financial assistance workshop in Big Spring, Texas, on Thursday, March 15, 2018.
Submit Permit by Rule and Standard Permit Registrations through STEERS e-Permits
February 2018—As of Feb. 1, 2018, the TCEQ Air Permits Division (APD) is requiring that you submit all registrations for permits by rule (PBR) and standard permits through the State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS) e-Permits.
Texas Water Development Board: Water loss audit and leak detection workshops statewide in 2018
February 2018—The Texas Water Development Board's (TWDB) Water Loss Audit and Leak Detection Workshops are available to retail public water suppliers across Texas.
Stage I Vapor Recovery Equipment and Annual Testing
February 2018—Owners and operators of some gasoline dispensing facilities in Texas must comply with state regulations for their Stage I vapor recovery system.
Texas Water Development Board: Regional Financial Assistance Workshop to be held in Denton on Feb. 6
January 2018—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a financial assistance workshop in Denton, Texas, on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2018.
2017 Articles
TCEQ Seeks Stakeholder Input on Upcoming Rulemaking Related to Backflow Prevention Methods and Devices
December 2017—The TCEQ will conduct stakeholder meetings across the state in January to solicit informal comments on rulemaking for 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 344, Subchapter F, Landscape Irrigation - Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection.
Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds Project Priority Invitation State Fiscal Year 2019
December 2017—The Texas Water Development Board is currently requesting information for projects to be funded in the upcoming fiscal year’s State Revolving Fund programs’ Intended Use Plans.
Texas Water Development Board: Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Edinburg on December 12
November 2017—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a financial assistance workshop in Edinburg, Texas, on Tuesday, December 12, 2017.
TCEQ Seeks Comments on Rules Proposed to Consolidate Public Notices for Certain Case-by-Case Air Permit Applications
November 2017—On Nov. 15, 2017, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of proposed rules on consolidated public notice for certain air permits.
New Online Reporting Tool for the Regulatory Assessment Fee
November 2017—Online reporting to collect assessment fees from retail customers.
Upcoming Disaster-Recovery Financial Assistance Workshops
November 2017—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will host financial assistance workshops in Corpus Christi, Houston, Woodville, and Beaumont to focus on disaster recovery for water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities.
TCEQ Approves Publication of Proposed Petroleum Storage Tank Rules
November 2017—On Nov. 15, 2017, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of the proposed rules for petroleum storage tanks.
Water Development Board regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Yoakum on Nov. 7
October 2017—Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Yoakum on Nov. 7.
TCEQ Offers Select License Exams in Spanish
October 2017—The following license exams are available in Spanish.
Reminder: Application Deadline Extension Notice State Fiscal Year 2018 Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
September 2017—Due to the historic rainfall and flooding events occurring from Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Water Development Board is granting a three-week extension for the first-round deadline of State Fiscal Year 2018 Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds applications.
Stormwater Construction General Permit Comment Period and Public Meeting
August 2017—The Stormwater Construction General Permit (CGP) TXR150000 will be renewed in March 2018.
Texas Water Development Board: Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Plainview on September 12
August 2017—Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Plainview on September 12
One Year Extension of NetDMR Electronic Reporting Waivers for MSGP Stormwater Permittees
August 2017—On Sept. 24, 2015, the EPA signed the final rule that requires NPDES* regulated entities to electronically submit specific permit and compliance-monitoring information electronically.
Texas Water Development Board: Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Mount Pleasant on August 8
July 2017—Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Mount Pleasant on August 8.
Municipal Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Advisory Council Applications now being accepted
July 2017—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is now accepting applications for new and vacant positions for the Municipal Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Advisory Council. The deadline to apply is July 31, 2017.
Free Workshops on the Revised Total Coliform Rule
June 2017—The TCEQ is offering FREE workshops designed to assist Public Water Systems and Water Operators understand and comply with the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR).
Texas Water Development Board - Financial Assistance Workshop
June 2017—Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Abilene on July 11.
Dam Safety Workshop Scheduled for July 12, 2017, in Tyler
June 2017—The workshop will educate dam owners and operators about state dam safety laws and regulations, dam failure modes and case histories, owner responsibilities and liabilities, security issues, dam operations, maintenance and inspections, developing and implementing emergency action plans.
Draft Rule Excerpt Available for Upcoming Petroleum Storage Tank Rules Stakeholder Meeting
May 2017—TCEQ provides an opportunity for the public to review part of the drafted PST rules prior to the stakeholder meeting.
Stakeholder Meeting on Rulemaking Regarding Petroleum Storage Tanks
May 2017—The TCEQ will conduct a stakeholder meeting on May 23, 2017, to solicit informal input on the adoption of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2015 Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations.
EPA's Office of Water Seeking Feedback on Reducing Regulatory Burden
May 2017—The following message is being forwarded on behalf of EPA.
Texas Water Development Board: Financial Assistance Workshop
April 2017—Regional financial assistance workshop to be held in Fort Worth on May 9.
EPA Hosts Stakeholder Meeting Seeking Input on Federal Regulations
April 2017—EPA’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), in implementing Executive Order (EO) 13777: Enforcing the Regulatory Agenda, is hosting a meeting to consult with external stakeholders, to hear which rules and regulations our stakeholders believe should be repealed, replaced, or modified, consistent with applicable law.
MS4 General Permit Stakeholder Meeting
March 2017—The TCEQ will host a public stakeholder meeting to discuss the renewal of the 2018 Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Phase II MS4 General Permit No. TXR040000.
2016 Articles
Changes to Public Notice for Concrete Batch Plant Standard Permit Adopted by TCEQ Commissioners
December 2016—On Dec. 7, 2016, the TCEQ commissioners adopted revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 39, Public Notice, and Chapter 55, Request for Reconsideration and Contested Case Hearing; Public Comment.
TCEQ Adopts Rules to Expand Use of Graywater
December 2016—On Dec. 7, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 210, Use of Reclaimed Water, and Chapter 285, On-Site Sewage Facilities.
Emissions Inventory Workshop Scheduled for Jan. 25, 2017, in Austin
December 2016—The workshop will focus on the two methods for Web Emissions Inventory (EI) Reporting: EIQ Entry and File Upload.
Dam Safety Workshop Scheduled for Jan. 25, 2017, in Austin
November 2016—The workshop will educate dam owners and operators about state dam safety laws and regulations, dam failure modes and case histories, owner responsibilities and liabilities, security issues, dam operations, maintenance and inspections, and developing and implementing emergency action plans.
TCEQ Seeking Stakeholder Input for Emissions Banking and Trading Rulemaking
November 2016—The TCEQ has scheduled meetings to inform stakeholders of the pending draft revisions to the Emissions Banking and Trading (EBT) rules in 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 101, Subchapter H, Divisions 1 and 3.
TCEQ Adopts the Renewal of the Ready Mixed Concrete General Permit (TXG110000)
November 2016—On Oct. 19, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted the renewal of the Ready Mixed Concrete General Permit which authorizes discharges from ready-mixed concrete plants, concrete products plants, and their associated facilities.
Renew Your Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Coverage by Nov. 14, 2016
October 2016—The TCEQ issued the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) MSGP TXR050000 for stormwater discharges from industrial facilities on Aug. 14, 2016.
TCEQ Seeking Comments for the Renewal of the Construction General Permit (CGP) No. TXR150000
October 2016—The TCEQ has begun the process of renewing the 2013 Stormwater Construction General Permit which will expire on March 4, 2018, at midnight.
Free Webinar: TCEQ’s Rules for Accidental Discharges or Spills at Wastewater Treatment or Collection Systems
October 2016—The Water Environment Association of Texas is conducting a free webinar Wednesday, Oct 26, 2016, from noon to 1 PM CDT.
TCEQ Proposes New Rules Incorporating the Federal Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) Requirements
October 2016—On Sept. 21, 2016, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of rulemaking that amends 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Section 290 to make it consistent with the federal RTCR, to address EPA comments on the federal Groundwater Rule, and to provide clarification on existing state rules.
TCEQ Adopts Changes to the Occupational Licenses and Registration Rules
September 2016—On Sept. 7, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 30 – Occupational Licenses and Registrations.
Stakeholder Meeting Scheduled for the Renewal of the Stormwater Construction General Permit No. TXR150000
September 2016—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has begun the renewal process for the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Construction General Permit No. TXR150000.
Texas Environmental Excellence Awards - Deadline Extended!
September 2016—The Texas Environmental Excellence Awards (TEEA) celebrate the efforts of citizens, communities, businesses, and organizations to preserve and protect the Texas environment.
New TCEQ License Application Process
September 2016—On Sept. 9, 2016, the TCEQ began offering an electronic application and pre-approval process for new licenses.
TCEQ Produces New Compliance and Assistance Video
September 2016—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality helps small businesses and local governments achieve compliance with environmental laws, protecting all Texans.
Advanced Air Permitting Seminar
September 2016—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has opened registration for its Advanced Air Permitting Seminar.
Upcoming TCEQ Water Quality/Stormwater Seminar: Attendee & Exhibitor Registration Open!
August 2016—At this seminar, TCEQ staff will update attendees on permitting rules and upcoming regulations.
TCEQ Adopts Changes to Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) Rules and Guidelines
August 2016—On Aug. 3, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 114, Subchapter K, Division 8 – Drayage Truck Incentive Program (DTIP).
Regional Financial Assistance Workshops
August 2016—Opportunities for Helpful One-on-One Discussions.
TCEQ Creates New Monthly Summary Reporting Form for Certain Accidental Discharges or Spills at Wastewater Treatment or Collection Systems
July 2016—On May 11, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted the volume-based exemptions from the 24 hour reporting requirement for certain accidental discharges, implementing Senate Bill (SB) 912, 84th Legislature.
TCEQ Seeks Comments on Proposed Rules on the Use of Graywater
July 2016—On July 6, 2016, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of a proposed rule on the use of graywater.
TCEQ Seeks Comment on Proposed Changes to Public Notice Requirements for the Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants
July 2016—On July 6, 2016, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of proposed rulemaking that amends portions of 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapters 39 and 55 regarding public notice for certain concrete batch plants.
TCEQ Adopts the Renewal of the Multi-Sector General Permit (TXR050000)
July 2016—On July 6, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted the renewal of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) - Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) (TXR050000) for stormwater discharges from industrial facilities.
TCEQ Adopts Changes to the Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste Rules
June 2016—On May 25, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted waste rules that amend or add to 30 TAC Chapter 335.
TCEQ Adopts New Rules for Accidental Discharges or Spills at Wastewater Treatment or Collection Systems
June 2016—On May 11, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted the Volume Based Exemptions for Certain Accidental Discharges implementing Senate Bill (SB) 912, 84th Legislature.
2016 Dam Safety Workshops
May 2016—TCEQ staff will be holding three dam safety workshops this summer. The workshops provide practical and straightforward information on issues that affect anyone who owns or operates a dam.
TCEQ Adopts Rules to Implement HB 1, Article IX, Section 18.01 – Public Health Service Fee for Public Water Systems
May 2016—On May 11, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted a rule implementing House Bill (HB) 1, Article IX, Section 18.01, 84th Texas Legislature.
TCEQ Adopts Medical Waste Rules
May 2016—On April 27, 2016, TCEQ commissioners adopted the Medical Waste Rules implementing House Bill 2244, 84th Legislature.
Free Workshops for Small Domestic Wastewater Systems About Asset Management
April 2016—Operators, administrators, and others responsible for small domestic wastewater systems are invited to attend a free workshop about asset management held in Tyler on May 17, 2016, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the TCEQ Tyler Regional Office.
TCEQ Seeks Comment on Potential Area Designations and Boundaries Recommendations Under the 2015 Ozone Standard
March 2016—The TCEQ's Air Quality Division is soliciting public comment on potential area designations and boundaries recommendations under the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
TCEQ Seeks Comment on Proposed Changes to Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) Rules and Guidelines
March 2016—On March 3, 2016, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of proposed rulemaking that revises 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 114, Subchapter K, Division 8 – Drayage Truck Incentive Program (DTIP).
TCEQ Trade Fair to be Held May 3-4 in Austin
March 2016—The TCEQ will hold its 2016 Environmental Trade Fair and Conference on May 3- 4 at the Austin Convention Center.
TCEQ Trade Fair Early Registration Ends March 11
March 2016—Early registration for the TCEQ’s Environmental Trade Fair and Conference ends on March 11.
Free Workshops for Small Domestic Wastewater Systems - Asset Management
February 2016—Operators, administrators, and others responsible for small domestic wastewater systems are invited to free workshops about asset management held in San Benito on March 2, 2016, at the San Benito Community Building.
TCEQ Seeking Stakeholder Input for Graywater Rulemaking
February 2016—House Bill (HB) 1902, 84th Texas Legislature (201), amended Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), Chapters 341 and 366 and Texas Water Code (TWC) Chapter 26 in relation to the use of graywater.
TCEQ Commissioner Toby Baker Announces Application Workshops for RESTORE Funds
February 2016—Workshops to assist in completing the required application to apply for RESTORE Direct Component (Bucket 1) funds through the Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) will be held in three locations during February and March.
TCEQ Proposes New Rules for Accidental Discharges or Spills at Wastewater Treatment or Collection Systems
January 2016—On Jan. 20, 2016, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of rulemaking implementing Senate Bill (SB) 912, 84th Legislature, related to volume-based exemptions from reporting requirements for certain accidental discharges or spills from wastewater treatment facilities or collections systems.
TCEQ Proposes Renewal of Water Quality General Permit for Ready Mixed Concrete
January 2016—The TCEQ is proposing to renew and amend the Ready Mixed Concrete General Permit TXG110000.
Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) Revised by EPA; All Public Water Systems Must Comply by April 1
January 2016—The EPA updated the 1989 Total Coliform Rule to increase public health protection.
TCEQ Commissioner Toby Baker announces RESTORE grant applications accepted on Friday
January 2016—Interested parties with Gulf Coast projects encouraged to apply.
Free Workshops for Small Domestic Wastewater Systems: Asset Management
January 2016—Operators, administrators, and others responsible for small domestic wastewater systems are invited to free workshops about asset management held in San Benito on March 2, 2016, at the San Benito Community Building.
2015 Articles
TCEQ Proposes Medical Waste Rules
December 2015—On Dec. 9, 2015, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of rulemaking implementing House Bill 2244, 84th Texas Legislature, related to the regulation of medical waste.
TCEQ Proposes Changes to the Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste Rules
December 2015—On Dec. 9, 2015, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of proposed rulemaking that:
Free Workshop for Small Domestic Wastewater Systems About Asset Management
December 2015—Operators, administrators, and others responsible for small domestic wastewater systems are invited to a free workshop about asset management in Round Rock on Jan. 13, 2016, at the Round Rock Public Library.
TCEQ Proposes Rules to Implement Public Health Service Fee for Public Water Systems
November 2015—On Nov. 18, 2015, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of rulemaking that implements House Bill (HB) 1, Article IX, Section 18.04, 84th Texas Legislature.
EPA’s New NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule Now Final
November 2015—On Sept. 24, 2015, the EPA signed the final rule which requires NPDES regulated entities to electronically submit specific permit and compliance monitoring information instead of filing paper reports.
TCEQ Adopts Rules Related to Voluntary Operators for Public Water Systems
November 2015—On Nov. 18, 2015, the TCEQ commissioners adopted revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 290.46 and 290.47, to implement HB 1146.
TWDB Financial Assistance Workshops
November 2015—The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is pleased to invite you to their annual workshops across Texas highlighting their financial assistance programs.
Rule Changes and Updates for Domestic Wastewater Systems
November 2015—On Nov. 4, 2015, TCEQ commissioners adopted revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 217, Design Criteria for Domestic Wastewater Systems, and “re-adopted” previously repealed rules in 30 TAC, Chapter 317, Design Criteria Prior to 2008.
Texas Emissions Reduction Plan Accepting Grant Applications
November 2015—Funding available to upgrade or replace heavy duty vehicles and equipment.
Public Water System – Asset Management Workshops
November 2015—The TCEQ will be conducting free workshops to help system owners, managers, and operators create an inventory and budget, identify maintenance needs, and assess their source.
Multi-Sector General Permit (TXR050000) Scheduled for Renewal; Public Meeting to be Held Nov. 16.
October 2015—The TCEQ is in the process of renewing the TPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for industrial facilities, TXR050000, which expires Aug. 14, 2016.
Air Quality Open House
October 2015—The Bexar County Air Quality Open House is a free, educational event to bring together the public, political leaders, neighborhood associations, nonprofits, businesses, and students to learn about and discuss solutions to air quality issues in the Bexar County area.
Water Finance E-News
October 2015—EPA’s Office of Water/Office of Wastewater Management is offering a new quarterly e-mail newsletter called Water Finance E-News.
TCEQ Adopts Amendments to the Evaporation Pond General Permit (GP) No. WQG100000
October 2015—On Sept. 9, 2015, TCEQ commissioners adopted amendments to the Evaporation Pond GP, which authorizes industrial or water treatment facilities to dispose of wastewater by evaporation from surface impoundments.
EPA Issues New Ozone Standard
October 2015—On October 1, 2015, the EPA revised the primary NAAQS for ozone from an eight-hour standard at 0.075 ppm to an eight-hour standard at 0.070 ppm.
TCEQ Seeks Public Comment on a Proposed Amendment to the De Minimis Facilities or Sources List
October 2015—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requests public comment on a proposed amendment to the De Minimis Facilities or Sources list.
TCEQ Schedules Water Quality/Stormwater Annual Seminar
August 2015—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is currently accepting registrations for its Water Quality/Stormwater Annual Seminar, Sept. 22-23, DoubleTree Hotel, 6505 Interstate 35 North, Austin.
Sanitary Sewer Overflows - Stakeholder Meeting to be Held on Sept. 15
August 2015—Wastewater treatment and collection facilities will have different requirements for reporting certain accidental discharges or spills under a new law passed by the Texas Legislature (SB 912).
Public Hearing Scheduled – Volunteer Operators at Drinking Water Systems
August 2015—On August 5, 2015, the TCEQ proposed rules to implement the provisions of House Bill (HB) 1146, to amend Chapter 290, Public Drinking Water, to allow public water systems to use volunteer licensed operators and require the maintenance of certain records for each volunteer operator.
Pollution Prevention Waste Management Workshop
August 2015—Register to attend the Pollution Prevention Waste Management Workshop on Sept. 30, 2015.
TCEQ Proposes Rules for Changes to Contested Case Hearing Process
August 2015—On Aug. 5, 2015, the TCEQ proposed rules implementing Senate Bills 709 and 1267 (from the 84th Texas Legislative session) changing the process for contested case hearings and motions for rehearing.
Request for Nominations - Municipal Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Advisory Council
August 2015—The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is requesting nominations for nine individuals to serve on the Municipal Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Advisory Council to fill the following positions:
Training course on managing petroleum chemical spills scheduled for Nov. 18-19, 2015, in Austin
June 2015—Learn about solutions to the problems that these liquids present and better understand and manage risks from LNAPL contamination by attending this two-day training course.
Consumer Confidence Reports for Public Water Systems due July 1
May 2015—Consumer Confidence Reports for Public Water Systems due July 1.
Changes to Public Water Supply Rule Published in Texas Register
April 2015—On Feb. 6, 2015, a proposed rule was published by the TCEQ in the Texas Register that will address the following issues for public water supplies.
The Advocate Goes Electronic! New Format Will be Timelier and Reduce Paper Use
April 2015—Following this issue, The Advocate will no longer be available as a paper edition.
“Two Steps, One Sticker” Began in March
April 2015—The State of Texas will stop issuing inspection stickers and transition to a “Two Steps, One Sticker” vehicle inspection and registration program.
Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Has Moved
April 2015—The link to the Texas Administrative Code has changed.
New PST Compliance Tools Coming Soon
April 2015—Petroleum storage tank compliance-assistance tools are coming soon.
Computer-Based Testing Now Available for Occupational Licensing
April 2015—Many of the exams for individuals seeking an occupational license are available through computer-based testing (CBT), including initial exams and retests.
Monthly Effluent Report (MER) Forms Available Online
April 2015—Wastewater reuse and land application facilities are required to report to the TCEQ on monthly effluent report forms.
TCEQ Trade Fair to be Held May 5-6 in Austin
April 2015—The TCEQ will hold its 2015 Environmental Trade Fair and Conference on May 5-6 at the Austin Convention Center.
Guidelines Amended for Effluent Limitations for Construction Stormwater Discharges
April 2015—On Feb. 4, 2015, the TCEQ commissioners approved the adoption of federal revisions to regulations on stormwater discharges from construction activities.
Pledge to be a Proud Partner Today
April 2015—The TCEQ’s Take Care of Texas program recently launched the Proud Partner program allowing organizations to demonstrate their commitment to the Texas environment.
Rule Updates
April 2015—Find out the status of current TCEQ rule projects including public comment period, adoption dates, effective dates, and rule project managers and contact information.
2014 Articles
TCEQ is Now the Greenhouse Gas Permitting Authority in Texas
December 2014—On Nov. 10, 2014, the TCEQ became the permitting authority for emissions of greenhouse gases in Texas. Prior to Nov. 10, the U.S. EPA was the permitting authority for GHGs in Texas.
Changes to Stage I Rules Now Effective for Owners and Operators of Gas Dispensing Facilities
December 2014—As of Oct. 31, 2014, owners and operators of gas dispensing facilities must comply with new state regulations for their Stage I vapor recovery system.
TCEQ to Host Industrial Storm Water Stakeholder Meeting
December 2014—On Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., the TCEQ will host a public stakeholder meeting to discuss the renewal of the TPDES Multi-Sector General Permit - TXR050000 which regulates storm water discharges from industrial activities.
Air Permitting Changes Now Available in STEERS e-Permitting
December 2014—You can now use STEERS e-Permitting to notify and register for air permits with the TCEQ.
New Session for Texas Legislature
December 2014—The 84th session of the Texas Legislature will convene on Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015, at noon.
Articles Prior to 2014
Articles Prior to December 2014
Articles published prior to December 2014 are available on the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TRAIL) website.