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Waste Designation Decision Matrix - Discarded Chemical Product

This is the waste designation decision matrix provided by the Small Business and Local Government Assistance Program to aid businesses in deciding how certain wastes must be handled.

This matrix is provided as an assistance tool. It cannot be used as a substitute for following applicable city, state, and federal laws.

Is the waste a discarded or expired chemical product? YES NO

Discarded Chemical Products

These are ONLY discarded, expired or off-specification chemical products. So, before you decide if this is a waste, ask yourself:

  1. Is this a product? (e.g., a pesticide purchased to kill rats)
  2. Is the product still useful? (If it can be used for its intended purpose and you intend to use it, it is not necessarily a waste.)
  3. If the product is still useful, you may consider the TCEQ RENEW program.