Assistance Tools for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
Maps, forms, information on stormwater programs, and more resources for small businesses and local governments regarding municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).
On this page:
MS4s consist of a conveyance or system of conveyances, including roads with drainage systems, streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, human-made channels, or storm drains. The following resources are provided to assist the regulated community in meeting permit requirements.
UPDATE Renewal of the Municipal Separate Storm Water Systems (MS4) General Permit
TCEQ renewed the MS4 permit effective August 15, 2024. Facilities need to obtain coverage under the new permit. Existing permittees will have a 180-day grace period to renew their authorization which will end February 11, 2025. You can find the 2024 MS4 general permit Fact Sheet and Executive Director's Response to Comments on the Additional Guidance and Quick Links: General Permit MS4s webpage.
Resources for MS4s
- Issued TXR040000 Permit for Phase II (Small) MS4s
- Storm Water Permitting Requirements for Phase II (Small) MS4s
- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Model Ordinance
- Texas Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality - Review the current Index of All Impaired Waters to determine if the water body receiving your stormwater discharges is impaired and identify the pollutant. Make sure to select the most recent report approved by the TCEQ and EPA.
- For permitting purposes, Category 4 and 5 represent the list of impaired waterways. Only a portion of impaired waters have an established TMDL.
- Projects of the TMDL Program
- View the TDML Summary Table for a list of all TMDLs
- Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Renewal Webinar - This video is a recording of the November 2024 Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Renewal webinar that describes the MS4 renewal permit, the Stormwater Management Program template, and annual report.
Maps for Stormwater Permitting
- Urban Area Maps for NPDES MS4 Phase II Stormwater Permits
- Surface Water Quality (Segments) Viewer - View stream segments and water bodies monitored by TCEQ with this interactive map viewer.
- You can select a particular segment or water body to see more information like segment name, ID number, description, and impairment status.
NetMS4 Resources
The general permit requires that MS4s submit applications and annual reports electronically using EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX). Once you have created a CDX account, you need to request access to NetMS4, EPA's electronic permitting and reporting system for the MS4 program. If you already have a CDX account, you can add NetMS4 as a service program area.
If you don't have a computer or internet access, if you need training, or have a religious objection to electronic reporting, you may request a waiver from the electronic reporting requirement. Waivers and paper forms may be obtained by contacting the Stormwater Program at 512-239-4671.
- EPA CDX login webpage (NetMS4 is within CDX)
- EPA NetMS4 Training Materials
- EPA Net Support webpage
- How to Electronically Submit Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Applications in NetMS4 - Recording of webinar held on September 17, 2024, to introduce and showcase the new NetMS4 website. Owners and operators who need authorization under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) General Stormwater Permit will learn how to setup a CDX account and MS4 waiver and Notice of Intent (NOI) applications. (September 2024)
Stormwater Programs
- Grant Program for Managing Nonpoint Source Water Pollution
- Texas Watershed Steward
- Texas Coastal Watershed Program
EPA Stormwater Resources
The following links take you off the TCEQ website. If you encounter an inactive (broken) link, please send an e-mail to and indicate which link was broken.
- EPA in Texas
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Municipal Stormwater Programs
- Menu of Best Management Practices
- Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox
- Oil and Gas Stormwater Permitting
- Smart Growth - Tools and Resources for Sustainable Communities
- Soak Up the Rain Outreach
- Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Sources
Phase I MS4s in Texas
The following links take you off the TCEQ website. If you encounter an inactive (broken) link, please send an e-mail to and indicate which link was broken.
- City of Abilene
- City of Arlington
- City of Austin
- City of Beaumont
- City of Corpus Christi
- City of Dallas
- City of El Paso
- City of Fort Worth
- City of Garland
- City of Houston & Harris County
- City of Irving
- City of Laredo
- City of Lubbock
- City of Plano
- City of Waco
More Help
TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to follow state environmental regulations. Call us at 800-447-2827 or visit our webpage at