2011 Collin County Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plan Revision for the 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standard
This SIP revision demonstrates attainment using air dispersion modeling that includes control strategies already in use at the Exide site as well as additional measures being proposed concurrently with this SIP revision. This SIP revision also contains FCAA-required elements, including a reasonably available control measures analysis, a reasonably available control technology analysis, demonstration of reasonable further progress, and a contingency plan.
2011 Collin County Attainment Demonstration State Implementation Plan Revision for the 2008 Lead National Ambient Air Quality Standard
This SIP revision demonstrates attainment using air dispersion modeling that includes control strategies already in use at the Exide site as well as additional measures being proposed concurrently with this SIP revision. This SIP revision also contains FCAA-required elements, including a reasonably available control measures analysis, a reasonably available control technology analysis, demonstration of reasonable further progress, and a contingency plan.