Downloads folder for GI Publications
Instructions, standards, and accepted procedures for the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of existing and proposed dams in Texas. Forms included.
General information poster (in English and Spanish) to alert spray-coating applicators and abrasive blasters that they must comply with State rules before conducting these types of activities./Cartel de informacion (en ingles y espanol) general para avisar a los que hacen recubrimiento con spray o limpieza con chorro abrasivo que tienen que cumplir con las normas estatales antes de realizar actividades de este tipo.
Intended for dam owners and engineers, these guidelines define the requirements of an acceptable emergency action plan and facilitate its preparation, distribution, annual testing, and update.
Find out about NetDMR, a Web-based tool that allows you as a TPDES permittee to electronically sign and submit your discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) to the TCEQ.
Building on the Edwards Aquifer? Added responsibilities and requirements apply.
A guide for local governments considering the development of an environmental management system (EMS).
This general-information publication explains why there are new requirements to monitor emissions at the fenceline of petroleum refineries and what some of those requirements entail.
Flyer for county level organizations and the regulated community that may be new to reporting chemicals, to provide a general idea about Tier II chemical reporting
Summary of the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative, including its goals and requirements.
Explains flare operations at oil and gas sites to citizens that observe them near their residence or while traveling across the state
Flaring at Oil and Natural Gas Production Sites
Do You Need Assistance with your Public Water System?
ePay User Guide for Orders or Field Citations with Payment Plans
ePay User Guide for Orders or Field Citations ePay User Guide for Orders without Payment Plans
Refinerias de petroleo y los nuevos requisitos federales de monitoreo perimetral