Downloads folder for Groundwater
Downloads folder for Groundwater Forms
TCEQ Form 20867 to be submitted to the Groundwater Planning and Assessment Team (Mail Code 147 or
A form used by plat applicants to certify the availability of adequate groundwater under a land to be subdivided.
A form used to attest that adequate groundwater is available under the land of a subdivision subject to platting under Texas Local Government Code, Sections 212.004 and 232.001.
Downloads folder for GCD
TCEQ Order implementing recommendations of the Starr County Groundwater Conservation District Review Panel's report on the Petition for Inquiry by districts within Groundwater Management Area 16 and resulting negotiated settlement.
Current list of confirmed GCDs with the General Manager's name and GCD mailing address, phone number, fax number, email address, and website.
Joint Report
Downloads folder for Groundwater Joint Report
Division acronyms associated with the groundwater contamination cases listed in the TCEQ Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report (SFR-056, Reference information for use with the TCEQ Groundwater Contamination Viewer (
Enforcement Status, Activity Status, and Data Quality codes associated with the groundwater contamination cases listed in the TCEQ Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report (SFR-056, Reference information for use with the TCEQ Groundwater Contamination Viewer (
Explains how to use the tools available in the TCEQ Groundwater Contamination Viewer (
Case lists for the current TCEQ Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report (SFR-56,
Quick pictorial overview of the TCEQ Groundwater Contamination Viewer's ( key features.
Downloads folder for Groundwater Maps
Map of Texas Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs). This map was generated by the Water Availability Division of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. For more information concerning this map, contact the Water Availability Division at 512-239-4600.
Map of Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) and Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) in Texas.
Map of Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) and major and minor aquifers in Texas.
Illustration of the hydrologic cycle. TCEQ out-of-print publication GI-194.
Downloads folder for Groundwater Pesticides
Map of groundwater monitoring for pesticides in Texas through August 2014.
Summary of immunoassay screening of groundwater for pesticides in conjunction with cooperative monitoring and how it can be useful in other programs.
Downloads folder for PGMA
March 2005. Table of Contents, Executive Summary, and Introduction (cover–page 8).
March 2005. Geology, Physiography, and Groundwater Resources (pages 9–20).
March 2005. Natural Resources; State-Owned Lands; Water Use, Demand, Supply, and Availability; Stakeholder Participation; Area Water Concerns and Identified Management Strategies; Existing Water Planning, Regulatory, and Management Entities; Administrative Feasibility of Groundwater Management; Summary; Conclusions and Recommendations; and References (pages 21–77).
Updated Evaluation, November 2005.
Updated Evaluation, June 2007.
Updated Evaluation, December 2007.
Groundwater Conservation District Recommendation Report, December 2008.
Groundwater Conservation District Recommendation Report, July 2010.
Groundwater Conservation District Recommendation Report, February 2017.
Groundwater Conservation District Recommendation Report Addendum, March 2012.
Downloads folder for Groundwater-related TCEQ publications
Brochure describing this committee, which brings together representatives from 10 state agencies to bridge the gap between groundwater programs.
A comprehensive groundwater protection strategy for the state of Texas that provides guidelines for the prevention of contamination, the conservation of groundwater, and the coordination of activities of the agencies involved.
Committee's report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Committee's report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of priority groundwater management areas and the creation and operation of groundwater conservation districts.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of priority groundwater management areas and the creation and operation of groundwater conservation districts.
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all current groundwater-contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all current groundwater-contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Groundwater monitoring activities; includes a list of all groundwater contamination cases documented during the previous calendar year for which enforcement action was incomplete at the time of the preceding report.
TCEQ publication M-90 (formerly GI-416). Provides the /goto URL for the Water Well Report Viewer (i.e.,
This regulatory guide is provided to help landowners understand how to plug a water well properly.
Esta guía regulatoria se proporciona para ayudar a los terratenientes a aprender cómo tapar un pozo de agua correctamente. (This regulatory guide is provided to help landowners understand how to plug a water well properly.)
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all active and inactive groundwater contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Committee’s report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) and the creation and operation of Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs).
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all active and inactive groundwater contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Annual report on the groundwater monitoring programs in Texas. Lists all active and inactive groundwater contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Committee’s report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) and the creation and operation of Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs).