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Downloads folder for Groundwater


Downloads folder for Groundwater Forms

A form used to attest that adequate groundwater is available under the land of a subdivision subject to platting under Texas Local Government Code, Sections 212.004 and 232.001.


Downloads folder for GCD

TCEQ Order implementing recommendations of the Starr County Groundwater Conservation District Review Panel's report on the Petition for Inquiry by districts within Groundwater Management Area 16 and resulting negotiated settlement.

Joint Report

Downloads folder for Groundwater Joint Report

Division acronyms associated with the groundwater contamination cases listed in the TCEQ Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report (SFR-056, Reference information for use with the TCEQ Groundwater Contamination Viewer (

Enforcement Status, Activity Status, and Data Quality codes associated with the groundwater contamination cases listed in the TCEQ Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report (SFR-056, Reference information for use with the TCEQ Groundwater Contamination Viewer (

Explains how to use the tools available in the TCEQ Groundwater Contamination Viewer (

Case lists for the current TCEQ Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report (SFR-56,


Downloads folder for Groundwater Maps

Map of Texas Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs). This map was generated by the Water Availability Division of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. For more information concerning this map, contact the Water Availability Division at 512-239-4600.


Downloads folder for Groundwater Pesticides

Summary of immunoassay screening of groundwater for pesticides in conjunction with cooperative monitoring and how it can be useful in other programs.


Downloads folder for PGMA

March 2005. Natural Resources; State-Owned Lands; Water Use, Demand, Supply, and Availability; Stakeholder Participation; Area Water Concerns and Identified Management Strategies; Existing Water Planning, Regulatory, and Management Entities; Administrative Feasibility of Groundwater Management; Summary; Conclusions and Recommendations; and References (pages 21–77).


Downloads folder for Groundwater-related TCEQ publications

A comprehensive groundwater protection strategy for the state of Texas that provides guidelines for the prevention of contamination, the conservation of groundwater, and the coordination of activities of the agencies involved.