MSW Forms
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Use this form to notify TCEQ of your intent to operate a compost facility or to make changes to feedstocks, cost estimates, or other details at existing notification-tier facilities. If composting sludge, use form TCEQ-00653a, Application for Compost Registration (Compost Form No. 2); if composting mixed municipal solid waste or grease trap waste, use form TCEQ-00653b, Application for Compost Permit (Compost Form No. 3).
MS Word version of form for reporting groundwater monitoring data for municipal solid waste landfills and permitted composting facilities.
PDF version of form for reporting groundwater monitoring data for municipal solid waste landfills and permitted composting facilities.
Form for summarizing soil liner construction details, to accompany soil liner evaluation report.
Form for summarizing soil liner construction details, to accompany soil liner evaluation report.
Form for summarizing geomembrane and geosynthetic liner construction details, to accompany evaluation report.
Form for summarizing geomembrane and geosynthetic construction details, to accompany evaluation report.
Form for liner ballast evaluation, to accompany ballast evaluation report.
Form for summarizing liner ballast evaluation, to accompany ballast evaluation report.
From for recording and reporting amount of waste serving as ballast.
From for recording and reporting amount of waste serving as ballast.
Form for documenting data to demonstrate uplift stability for landfill liner.
Form for documenting data to demonstrate uplift stability for landfill liner.
Form for documenting geosynthetic materials used in liner construction.
Form for documenting geosynthetic materials used in liner construction.
Form for documenting acceptance of prepared surface of landfill excavation before constructing liner.
Form for documenting acceptance of prepared surface of landfill excavation before constructing liner.
Form for documenting groundwater monitor well construction and completion details.
Form to notify of intent to operate a recycling facility or a composting or mulching operation.
Form for registering a landfill gas to energy facility.