MSW Forms
Downloads folder for MSW Forms
Form for registering a landfill gas to energy facility.
Permit by rule aplication form for counties and municipalities with a population of 12,000 or less to dispose of abandoned and nuisance buildings.
Form for requesting authorization to dispose of a special waste in a municipal solid waste landfill.
Instructions for completing form for requesting authorization to dispose of a special waste in a municipal solid waste landfill.
Form for applicant to prepare plain-language summary of a municipal solid waste (MSW) permit or permit amendment application, required by 30 TAC 39.405(k).
Spanish alternative language form for applicant to prepare plain-language summary of a municipal solid waste (MSW) permit or permit amendment application, required by 30 TAC 39.405(k).
Instructions from completing TCEQ-20947, plain-language summary of a municipal solid waste (MSW) permit or permit amendment application, required by 30 TAC 39.405(k).
Form for owners or operators of municipal solid waste landfills participating in the Compost Refund Program to report allowable composting expenses, which TCEQ will use to determine amount of refund.
Instructions for completing application form to accompany an application for a municipal solid waste permit, permit amendment, or registration.
Application form to accompany an application for a municipal solid waste permit, permit amendment, or registration.
Application form for submitting a modification to a municipal solid waste permit or registration, or for requesting a temporary authorization.
Instructions for completing application form to accompany an application for a municipal solid waste permit or registration modification or temporary authorization.
Application form for 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter T authorization to disturb landfill cover.
Instructions for preparing application form TCEQ-20787 for 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter T authorization to disturb cover over closed municipal solid waste landfill.
Application form for permit to build new enclosed structure over a closed MSW landfill.
Instructions for completing permit application form for new enclosed structure over a closed MSW landfill.
Form TCEQ-20786 for registering and existing enclosed structure.
Instructions for completing form TCEQ-20786.
Instrucciones para rellenar el formulario de solicitud de autorización de eliminación de un residuo especial en un vertedero municipal de residuos sólidos.
Formulario para solicitar la autorización de eliminación de un residuo especial en un vertedero municipal de residuos sólidos.
Excel workbook containing checklist of rule items that applicants must complete for a municipal solid waste permit, permit amendment, or registration application. Produces a completed, facility-specific checklist to be submitted with an application.