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Explains the Superfund program in Texas, how hazardous substances are cleaned up, how to learn about the process and the health effects that could be caused by hazardous substances, and where to get information./Explica el programa Superfund en Texas, como se limpian las sustancias peligrosas, como se puede aprender el procedimiento y los efectos higienicos que pueden ser causados por sustancias peligrosas, y donde se puede obtener informacion.
Provides information (in English and Spanish) relevant to owners of properties that are near state Superfund sites in Texas.
Informacion pertinente (en ingles y espanol) para los duenos de terrenos cercanos a sitios Superfund en Texas.
Information for cities that may be contacted by persons who wish to pursue state certification of a municipal setting designation, or that wish to pursue MSDs for their own use.
Información sobre el Programa de Evaluación de Sitios Brownfield, que facilita la limpieza y revitalización de sitios brownfield mediante asistencia regulatoria, fiscal y técnica.
Information about the Brownfields Site Assessment Program, which facilitates the cleanup and revitalization of brownfields sites through regulatory, tax, and technical assistance.
The agency's primary guidance on how to conduct ecological risk assessments at remediation sites in Texas. Use in conjunction with RG-263B and other companion documents found at
Provides supporting documentation for surface water, sediment and soil benchmarks, part of the ecological risk assessment process. Use in conjunction with RG-263 and other companion documents.
The agency's primary guidance on how to conduct ecological risk assessments at remediation sites in Texas. Use in conjunction with RG-263, RG-263B, and other companion documents found at
Use to determine whether these rules apply to your site or facility. Lists exclusions and situations that qualify for grandfathering as identified in the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rules.
A guide for the regulated community and environmental professionals on regulation and administration of such closures.
Explains interface of Texas Risk Reduction Program rule with Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as it relates to closure of a hazardous waste management unit with and without a release, RCRA permit modifications, corrective action, and soil reuse.
Summarizes the primary differences between the Risk Reduction Rule and the Texas Risk Reduction Program Rule.
Describes how land use classifications are made under the Texas Risk Reduction Program rule.
Provides recommended procedures for classifying groundwater and documenting the classification under the Texas Risk Reduction Program.
Designed to help the person determine the appropriate chemicals of concern (COCs) for analysis of environmental media when responding to the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rule of 30 TAC 350.
Outlines requirements for defining three-dimensional extent of the affected property and protective concentration level exceedance zone pursuant to the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP).
For data on chemicals of concern (COCs), tells how to: document quality of data used to show compliance with TRRP rule, determine data to include in required reports, review data for technical standards and usability, and prepare a Data Usability Summary.
A guide for the regulated community and environmental professionals on screening target chemicals of concern.
Determining representative concentrations, defining exposure areas, and evaluating potential hot spots.