66. Greater Trinity Region: Recreational Uses
Downloads folder for 66. Greater Trinity Region: Recreational Uses
environmental quality; water quality
environmental quality; water quality;
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on TMDL project for bacteria in the Upper Trinity River.
A scientific report detailing the development of two total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Upper Trinity River, Dallas, Texas. This TMDL is used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on a TMDL project for indicator bacteria in Sycamore Creek.
A scientific report detailing the development of one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in Sycamore Creek. This TMDL is used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A report of scientific information detailing the first addendum to an existing four total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Cottonwood Creek, Fish Creek, Kirby Creek, and Crockett Branch Watersheds Upstream of Mountain Creek Lake. This addendum adds one total maximum daily load for indicator bacteria in North Fork Fish Creek.
A scientific report detailing the development of four total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Cottonwood Creek, Fish Creek, Kirby Creek, and Crockett Branch Watersheds Upstream of Mountain Creek Lake. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQs response to public comments received on a TMDL project for indicator bacteria in the Lower West Fork Trinity River watershed.
A scientific report detailing the development of thirteen total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Lower West Fork Trinity River watershed. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on a TMDL project for indicator bacteria in Cottonwood Branch and Grapevine Creek.
A resolution supporting the addition of the Sycamore Creek Segment Assessment Unit 0806E_01 to the implementation plan for Twenty-One Total Maximum Daily Loads for Bacteria in the Greater Trinity River Region.
A resolution supporting the addition of the Mountain Creek Lake Tributary Segments to the implementation plan for Seventeen Total Maximum Daily Loads for Bacteria in the Greater Trinity River Region.
A plan to implement twenty-three total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Greater Trinity River region. This plan describes the necessary actions to improve water quality, the schedule for implementation activities, and measurable outcomes for assessing progress.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on an implementation plan for a TMDL project for indicator bacteria in the Greater Trinity River Region.
An implementation plan for seventeen total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Greater Trinity River region. This plan describes the necessary actions to improve water quality, the schedule for implementation activities and measurable outcomes for assessing progress.
A scientific report detailing the development of two total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Cottonwood Branch and Grapevine Creek. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A project overview describing the Sycamore Creek watershed and the steps taken to protect recreational uses in the waterbody.
A list of Texas Counties with bacteria impairments as of November 2020.
A scientific analysis and report to support development of two total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in Cottonwood Branch and Grapevine Creek.