1. Houston Ship Channel: Aquatic Life Use, Withdrawn
Downloads folder for 1. Houston Ship Channel: Aquatic Life Use, Withdrawn
Highlights of TCEQ's proposal to EPA to withdraw fourteen total maximum daily loads for nickel in water bodies of the Houston Ship Channel System.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on an implementation plan for total maximum daily loads for dissolved nickel in the Houston Ship Channel.
A plan to implement 14 total maximum daily loads for nickel in the Houston Ship Channel System describing the actions necessary to improve water quality, a schedule for implementing activities, and measurable outcomes for assessing progress.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on a total maximum daily loads project for dissolved nickel in the Houston Ship Channel.
A scientific report describing 14 total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for nickel in Houston Ship Channel System and the allowable loads assigned to each pollutant source category, which were withdrawn by the Commission in 2021. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of nickel in wastewater or stormwater into the watershed.
A technical report supporting TCEQ's proposal to EPA to withdraw fourteen total maximum daily loads for nickel in water bodies of the Houston Ship Channel System.
A presentation supporting a proposal to withdraw fourteen TMDLs for nickel in the Houston Ship Channel.
Key facts in the TCEQ's proposal to EPA to withdraw the14 total maximum daily loads for nickel in the Houston Ship Channel System through an update to the Texas Water Quality Management Plan.
A project overview describing the Houston Ship Channel watershed and the associated total maximum daily load(s) to reduce nickel loadings to the watershed.