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Recyclable Materials Feedstock Study

TCEQ is conducting a study to create a Recycling Market Development Plan for promotion of using recyclable materials as feedstock in processing and manufacturing.

Recycling Market Development Plan Logo

The Recycling Market Development Plan

The RMDP provides tools and mechanisms that can be utilized by state and local governments to address identified barriers, opportunities and infrastructure needs to increase the overall recycling rate. This includes both material specific and cross-material strategies for market development.

S.B. 649

This Study was required by Senate Bill 649 of the 86th Legislature.

About the Study

The TCEQ hired Burns & McDonnell to conduct a study on the promotion of using recyclable materials as feedstock in processing and manufacturing; produce a Recycling Materials Development Plan (RMDP) and educational suggestions and materials; and other activities that meet the requirements included in Senate Bill 649.

The overall impact of recycling MSW on the Texas economy exceeded $4.8 billion in 2019. This puts the recycling industry on par with both the petroleum and furniture industries in Texas. 

Stakeholder Forums

Interested parties were invited to participate in online (virtual) stakeholder forums held in October 2020 to gather further information regarding market development barriers and opportunities. The forums, organized by commodity type, had breakout discussions for specific materials/groups of materials that are the subject of this study.

Similar to the SEIR Study (See link to the SEIR below in Related Content), the survey was hosted on the Re-TRAC platform. The Project Team, led by Burns and McDonnell, surveyed recycling processors and end markets to collect information on recyclable materials diverted from the MSW and industrial waste streams.

The survey was completed on August 31, 2020.

Survey Webinar

Burns and McDonnell hosted a series of instructional webinars to assist survey respondents. The presentations from the webinars are available below:

For more information on the webinars, please contact Project Manager Scott Pasternak, Burns & McDonnell, at

Materials Included in the Survey:

The study included an increased scope of materials as listed below.

  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Metals*
  • Glass
  • Vegetative waste
  • Compost
  • Mulch
  • Tires
  • Electronic Waste
  • Construction and Demolition debris
  • Batteries
  • Paint

*The Survey did not include ferrous or nonferrous metals recycled by a metal recycling entity as defined by Section 1956.001, Occupations Code.


The Recyclable Materials Feedstock Study is requesting recycling and economic data from private companies processing and using recyclable materials. Business sensitive information will be protected by every reasonable measure allowable by law.

Industry Support

The Study was built off the methodologies of previous recycling studies by engaging key industry stakeholders during the project through a voluntary Recycling Industry Committee (RIC). The RIC is a diverse consortium of state and national trade groups and commodity representatives working with the TCEQ and the Project Team to help with targeted outreach to increase survey participation among respondents in their networks.

For additional information regarding the Recycling Materials Feedstock Plan, the Survey or the Stakeholder Forums, please contact Project Manager Scott Pasternak, Burns & McDonnell, at

Related Content

Study on the Economic Impacts of Recycling: TCEQ conducted a study on the current and potential economic impacts of recycling, including state and local revenue that may be considered lost because recyclable materials are not recycled. Municipal Solid Waste in Texas: A Year in Review (TCEQ publication AS-187).

Annual Summary of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Texas: TCEQ is responsible for data assessment and planning for the management of solid wastes in Texas. To support these activities, TCEQ collects and compiles data on the processing and disposal of municipal solid waste. The data are compiled and published in an annual summary report titled Municipal Solid Waste in Texas: A Year in Review (TCEQ publication AS-187).

STAR Texas Recycling Data Initiative

North Central Texas Council of Governments Source Reduction and Recycling Studies

The Current and Potential Economic Impacts of Austin Recycling and Reuse Related Activity The City of Austin commissioned TXP, Inc. to evaluate the recycling and reuse sectors' economic impact, provide a better understanding of the current impact of recycling, and estimate the magnitude of the opportunity to increase its role in the local economy.

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