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Resource Exchange Network for Eliminating Waste (RENEW)

A materials-exchange network for industries, businesses, and governmental units that promotes reclaiming, recycling, and reuse of materials.

Renew logo

What is RENEW?

The Resource Exchange Network for Eliminating Waste (RENEW) is a free materials-exchange network established by the Texas Legislature in 1987 to promote the reuse or recycling of industrial wastes. The network is a marketing channel for industries, businesses, and governmental units who wish to sell surplus materials, by-products, and wastes to those who will reclaim or reuse them. RENEW listings for materials online is a cooperative effort between the TCEQ and the Zero Waste Network.

View Available or Wanted Materials

You can view a list of materials that are available or wanted online at the Zero Waste Network RENEW page without creating an account.

Request or Submit Materials Online

To request or submit materials online, you must create an account at the Zero Waste Network RENEW Login page.

To create an account, simply follow the instructions on the RENEW Login page,  and then you can add or edit your listings. Your information will be reviewed by TCEQ staff prior to uploading onto the website.

RENEW Success Stories

RENEW has been a great way to help reduce waste and improve businesses’ bottom lines. Since 1989 more than 500 exchanges have resulted in over 1 billion pounds of material for reuse or recycling. Also saving facilities more than 27 million dollars in disposal costs, and earning over 15 million dollars from the sales of recyclable materials. Take a look and see some of the RENEW Success Stories or create your own success story! Please take the time to fill out this short  Successful Exchange Form. 

Can I Recycle Some of My Industrial or Hazardous Waste?

The regulations that govern industrial and hazardous waste recycling are fairly complex. If you decide to recycle an industrial or hazardous waste,  RG-240 may assist in understanding the regulations in Texas.

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