Contributing Zone Plan
Provides the definition of a contributing zone plan, outlines who is required to submit a plan to TCEQ, lists the required forms, and provides fee information.
A contributing zone plan outlines best management practices that will be implemented in order to protect water quality when a regulated activity is proposed in the Edwards Aquifer contributing zone.
A contributing zone plan is required for any regulated activity proposed in the Edwards Aquifer contributing zone. See 30 TAC 213.21
A CZP must go through the application submission and review process and be approved prior to the commencement of construction or other regulated activities.
The fee is based on the acreage of the entire area included within the legal boundaries of the property described in the application and the type of development (one single-family dwelling; multiple single-family residential or parks; or nonresidential). The minimum fee is $650; the maximum, $10,zero0. For additional information on fees, view the Application Fee Form TCEQ-0574 ( PDF, Word), which includes a complete fee schedule.
Use the forms listed below to prepare your UST facility plan application.
Application Cover Page
Contributing Zone Plan Application
Temporary Stormwater Section
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- NOI is completed online through ePermits or a paper copy can be requested by calling (512)239-37zero.
Notice of Intent (NOI) for Stormwater Discharges
Associated with Construction Activity under TPDES General Permit (TXR15zerozero)
Agent Authorization
Application Fee
Core Data Form
- Do not leave any questions unanswered. If a question does not apply to your site, enter “N/A” in the blank and briefly explain why the question does not apply.
- The contributing zone plan must include information on stormwater best management practices that will be used during construction. You may complete either the temporary stormwater section* or a storm water pollution prevention plan**, which is required by the TPDES Construction General Permit, to satisfy this requirement.
If you are located in Williamson, Travis, or Hays County, call the TCEQ’s Austin Regional Office
at (512) 339-2929.
For help
in Comal, Bexar, Medina, Uvalde, or Kinney County, call TCEQ’s San Antonio Regional Office at (210) 490-3096.