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Remediation Contracts

The TCEQ procures and oversees independent contractor services to perform corrective action at a variety of waste sites.

What Does a Remediation Contractor Do?

The TCEQ Remediation Division currently has contracts for the following services: site assessment, investigation, remediation, engineering services, water filtration, emergency response and supplemental site activities, and technical support for munition projects. The current contracts with a description of their scopes of work are listed below.

Superfund Assessment, Investigation, and Remediation (AIRS): This contract is used to conduct site assessments, remedial investigations, removal actions, design implementation, and other duties as needed at various sites within the Superfund Site Discovery and Assessment Program (SSDAP), State Superfund Program, Federal Superfund Program, or Brownfields Program. The contract may also be utilized for similar activities in other program areas at the discretion of the TCEQ. Examples of work to be performed under this contract may include:

  • Conduct remedial investigation and site assessment to assess the nature (physical, chemical, and risk-related characteristics) and extent (location and quantity) of contamination
  • Provide property research assistance to collect information regarding ownership and operation history
  • Conduct removal actions to address releases, or threatened releases, of hazardous substances that pose an imminent threat to human health or the environment
  • Implement a remedial action by using an engineered design to construct a final remedy at a site
  • Provide post-completion care (operation and maintenance) services at sites with implemented remedies
  • Provide technical assistance associated with site activities

Dry Cleaner Remediation Program (DCRP) Site Activities: This contract is used to conduct site assessment and oversight services at sites under the TCEQ DCRP or other sites at the discretion of the TCEQ. Examples of work to be performed under this contract may include:

  • Identifying contaminant sources, receptors, and exposure pathways
  • Installing soil borings, temporary sampling points, and monitoring wells
  • Delineating contaminant plumes
  • Conducting chemical or biological assisted dechlorinating of contaminants in-situ
  • Conducting removal action of contaminated soil
  • Conducting dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) recovery events, including hand-bailing and other nonengineered recovery efforts
  • Overseeing surface removals and replacements for excavations and drilling
  • Collecting and analyzing air, water, soil, and sediment samples to document contaminant levels and/or other physical parameters
  • Monitoring dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) and groundwater levels

Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Site Activities: This contract is used to conduct risk-based site assessment and oversight services at TCEQ PST State Lead Program sites or other sites at the discretion of the TCEQ. Examples of work to be performed under this contract may include:

  • Identify contaminant sources, receptors, and exposure pathways
  • Remove, abate, or mitigate contaminant sources
  • Install soil borings, temporary sampling points, and wells
  • Delineate contaminant plumes
  • Conduct non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) recovery events, including MDPE, hand-bailing and other nonengineered recovery efforts
  • Oversee surface removals and replacements for excavations and drilling
  • Collect and analyze air, water, soil, and sediment samples to document contaminant levels and/or other physical parameters
  • Monitor non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) and groundwater levels

Superfund Engineering Services: This contract is used to conduct remedial engineering and oversight services at sites within the purview of the Superfund Program including State Superfund sites and Federal Superfund sites managed by the TCEQ or similar activities in other program areas at the discretion of the TCEQ. Engineering services may include:

  • Conduct feasibility studies, in accordance with TCEQ guidelines
  • Design of selected remedy and/or preparation of bidding documents for implementation of that remedial design
  • Provide oversight services during investigation, removal, and remedial action activities, which are usually conducted by Assessment, Investigation, and Remediation Services (AIRS) contractors
  • Operation, evaluation, and maintenance of groundwater remedies, treatment systems, and/or containment cell remedies
  • Conduct aquifer tests, treatability tests, or other appropriate tests
  • Conduct site surveys
  • Provide technical assistance associated with site remedial activities

Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Engineering Services: This contract is used to conduct remediation engineering services at TCEQ PST State Lead Program sites or other sites at the discretion of the TCEQ. Examples of work to be performed under this contract may include:

  • Evaluating and recommending potential remedial actions based on feasibility, effectiveness, costs, and other criteria as appropriate
  • Conduct soil-vapor extraction, dual-phase extraction, and other feasibility tests
  • Prepare Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) that include screening remediation technologies, remediation system design, remediation equipment specifications, cost estimates, schedules, and operation and maintenance plans for the remediation system
  • Oversee remediation system installation activities, including installation of recovery and/or injection wells
  • Conduct system start-up monitoring activities to ensure that the system is activated properly; provide system installation reports including as built drawings for the system
  • Operate, monitor, and maintain remediation systems and equipment; monitor, evaluate and optimize system performance; prepare and review system status reports
  • Oversee surface removals and replacements for excavations, drilling, and trenching when engineering oversight is necessary
  • Collect and analyze air, water, soil, and sediment samples to document contaminant levels and/or other physical parameters
  • Monitor NAPL and groundwater levels

Water Filtration System Services: This contract is used for the installation and maintenance of filtration systems to remove hydrocarbon, volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and metals contamination at sites of sole-source domestic water wells identified by TCEQ.

Petroleum Storage Tank Emergency Response and Supplemental site Activities (PST ERSSA): This contract is used for abating emergency situations related to PST sites by providing initial responses to emergencies and supplemental site activities required to mitigate immediate threats to human health and the environment. Non-PST sites may also be addressed under this contract.

Technical Support for Texas Munition Response Projects: This contract is used for technical support on various Military Munitions Response Program projects related to the investigation and cleanup of Munitions and Explosives of Concern at Munition Response Sites in Texas.

How to Become a Remediation Contractor

The TCEQ Remediation Division procures scientific and technical environmental services and engineering services through the request for proposals (RFP) and request for qualifications (RFQ) contract procurement methods, respectively.

For scientific and technical environmental services, the TCEQ awards contracts to respondents whose proposals offer the best value for the state, considering price, past vendor performance, vendor experience or demonstrated capability, and any other evaluation factors in the RFP. As required by the Professional Services Act, engineering services contracts are procured via an RFQ and awarded based on qualifications submitted, then subsequent negotiations for prices.