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Remediation: Cleaning up Contaminated Sites

Provides information on the programs in the Remediation Division.

Brownfields Site Assessments Program
Services such as Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments for local governments and nonprofit organizations during commercial real estate transactions.

Drinking Water Survey Reports
Provides information on complying with Texas Water Code 26.408.

Dry Cleaner Remediation Program
The Dry Cleaner Remediation Program (DCRP) establishes a prioritization list of dry cleaner sites and administers the Dry Cleaning Remediation fund to assist with remediation of contamination caused by dry cleaning solvents.

Ecological Risk Assessments
Review this page for information on TCEQ's Ecological Risk Assessment Program.

Industrial and Hazardous Waste Corrective Action Program
Overview of this program, which administers the cleanup of sites contaminated from industrial and municipal hazardous and industrial nonhazardous wastes.

Innocent Owner/Operator Program (IOP)
The Texas IOP created by House Bill 2776 of the 75th Legislature, provides a certificate to an innocent owner or operator if their property is contaminated as a result of a release or migration of contaminants from a source or sources not located on the property, and they did not cause or contribute to the source or sources of contamination.

Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank Cleanups
Cleanups of contamination caused by spills, leaks, or other releases of petroleum substances or hazardous substances from regulated underground and aboveground storage tanks.

Municipal Setting Designations
Provides information on municipal setting designations.

Natural Resource Trustee Program
This page provides links to information on the Natural Resource Trustee Program.

Remediation Program Descriptions
Provides a description of the programs managed by the Remediation Division.

Rules for Spill Cleanups
Information on cleanup levels and requirements for spills.

Superfund in Texas
Cleanups completed, cleanups in progress, and sites under evaluation by the federal and state Superfund programs.

Texas Risk Reduction Program
Rules, guidance, and other information about the Texas Risk Reduction program.

Various TCEQ-Supervised Cleanups
Details of individual sites being cleaned up under TCEQ supervision, including ASARCO, Encycle, and Exide.

Voluntary Cleanup Program
The Texas VCP provides administrative, technical, and legal incentives to encourage the cleanup of contaminated sites in Texas