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Risk Reduction Rule

The Risk Reduction Rule, Title 30, Texas Administrative Code Chapter 335, Subchapter S, sets forth the requirements for the three risk reduction standards for persons undertaking a closure or remediation in accordance with 30 TAC 335.8.

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Risk Reduction Rule

The Risk Reduction Rule, Title 30, Texas Administrative Code Chapter 335, Subchapter S, sets forth the requirements for the three risk reduction standards for persons undertaking a closure or remediation in accordance with §335.8. Please note that there is now limited opportunity to use these rules. The newer rule is called the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP). For further information, see §350.2(m) of the Texas Risk Reduction Program.

Risk Reduction Rule Guidance

Risk Reduction Rule Groundwater Questions and Answers

Consistency Memorandum on "Implementation of the Existing Risk Reduction Rule"

Using non-site specific background assumptions under the 30 TAC 335 Risk Reduction Rules

Acceptability of using a statistically-derived background value as a cleanup standard when it exceeds a human health-based criteria under the 1993 Risk Reduction Rule. Refer to the information in this memo when using background as a cleanup level.

Arsenic Soil Cleanup Standards for Commercial/Industrial Areas

Disposal of soil containing tetrachloroethylene in permitted municipal solid waste landfills

Cleanup Standards

Cleanup standards for the Risk Reduction Rule are included in the following spreadsheets, last updated in March 2006. These tables will not be updated. If a toxicity factor for your COC has changed, use the tox factors to calculate the new cleanup standard.

If you still need the 2005 version of these tables, download the March 2005 tables. (see the help file on self-extracting zipped files).

The determination of human health MSCs are not necessary for several essential elements. For more information, refer to these memos on Evaluation of the Potential Health Impacts of Exposure to Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, and Phosphorus through Soil Ingestion and COCs for which Calculation of a Human Health MSC is not Required.

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