Spills: Cleanup and Waste Management
Cleanup objectives and the TRRP rule. Management of spill waste.
The objective of each spill cleanup should be to return the site to pre-spill or background conditions. If the cleanup will take no more than 180 days, the responsible party may elect to clean up a spill under the Texas Risk Reduction Program rule, but must perform an Affected Property Assessment and submit an Affected Property Assessment Report (APAR) to the appropriate TCEQ regional office for approval to clean up to TRRP standards rather than pre-spill or background conditions. Please refer to this publication
Management of Spill Waste
The management of spill waste depends on the type of waste.
- How to Classify Hazardous and Industrial Waste
- Hazardous and Industrial Waste
- Industrial vs. Nonindustrial Wastes
- Guidelines for the Coding of Industrial and Hazardous Waste
- Manifest Requirements
- Cleanup of Soil Contaminated by a Crude Oil Spill, 16 TAC 3.91 (jurisdiction: Texas Railroad Commission)