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Episodic Waste Generation

Information on how to notify TCEQ about episodic waste generation. Unregistered/inactive generators can apply for temporary Texas registration numbers, EPA ID numbers, and Texas waste codes.

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Waste Quantity Thresholds

Sites that have episodic waste generation events must notify TCEQ if they meet or exceed the following waste quantities in a calendar month:

Generator Type

Class 1 Industrial Waste

Non-acute Hazardous Waste

Acute Hazardous Waste

Unregistered/inactive generators

100 kg (220 lbs.)

100 kg (220 lbs.)

1 kg (2.2 lbs.)

Registered Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQGs) and Class 1 only generators


100 kg (220 lbs.)

1 kg (2.2 lbs.)

Registered Small Quantity Generators (SQGs)


1,000 kg (2,200 lbs.)

1 kg (2.2 lbs.)

Information for All Generators

Episodic waste generators who follow the episodic waste requirements may maintain their existing generator category. [30 Texas Administrative Code 335.60 /40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 262 Subpart L ] Label any containers that hold episodic hazardous waste with the words "Episodic Hazardous Waste."

Episodic waste generators must ship the episodic waste off-site within 60 days of the start date of the episodic event. The 60-day limit for a planned episodic event starts on the first day of any activities affiliated with the event. For an unplanned episodic event, the event begins on the first day the hazardous waste is generated, regardless of whether the generator has completed analysis confirming that the waste is hazardous.

Hazardous waste generators who follow the episodic waste requirements are not subject to training and contingency plan requirements. Registered small quantity generators must submit a P2 plan, but unregistered/inactive generators, registered VSQGs, and Class 1 only generators do not.

Number of Episodic Events

Unregistered/inactive and registered generators can have either one planned or one unplanned episodic event per calendar year. Additional events need approval from TCEQ.

Request approval for additional episodic events by submitting another episodic waste notification form. Unregistered/inactive generators will receive a Waste Shipment Summary to show that TCEQ approved the episodic waste event. Registered generators do not require confirmation of their episodic notification but will receive a letter with TCEQ's approval of any additional episodic waste events.

Processing Timeline

The notification timelines for all generators are:

  • at least 30 days prior to planned events, or
  • no later than 72 hours after unplanned events.

Normal TCEQ processing time is:

  • 20 business days for planned events for all generators and unplanned events for registered generators, or
  • 2-3 business days for unplanned events for unregistered/inactive generators.

Generators can request quicker processing if one of the following applies. The generator must provide documentation of the situation.

  • Financial duress for the generating company. For example, the company will have business closure, bankruptcy, or layoff of personnel.
  • Endangerment to human health or the environment.
  • Mandatory waste removal under government order. For example, a local, state, or federal government enforcement action.

Unregistered/Inactive Generators

Unregistered/inactive generators are sites that either:

  • have never had a solid waste registration (SWR), or
  • have an inactive SWR and do not need an active SWR.

Unregistered/inactive generators must notify TCEQ of their episodic waste generation activity using form TCEQ-00757: Unregistered/Inactive Episodic Generator Notification ( instructions.)

Sites that generate less than 220 pounds of non-acute hazardous waste, less than 2.2 pounds of acute hazardous waste, and less than 220 pounds of Class 1 Industrial waste in a month do not need temporary waste codes and do not need to notify TCEQ. Per 30 Texas Administrative Code 335.503(b)(6) , those facilities should assign their own numbers using:

  • "VSQG" as the four-digit sequence number of the Texas waste code,
  • "VESQG" as the generator ID number, and
  • if the waste is hazardous, "TXVSQG" as the EPA ID number.

TCEQ will issue temporary Texas registration numbers, Texas waste codes, and, if necessary, an EPA ID number for unregistered/inactive episodic generators who submit form TCEQ-00757. Temporary waste codes are valid for only the specified waste and the episodic event noted on the form.

Unregistered/inactive generators of the hazardous or Class 1 waste quantities in the table above must report their waste on the Waste Shipment Summary (WSS) form. They will receive a WSS form from TCEQ once they submit form TCEQ-00757. Note:

  • Recycled Class 1 Industrial waste does not require reporting on a WSS.
  • The WSS must contain the information for each manifest of episodic waste.
  • Submit a separate WSS for each month in which waste shipments occurred.
  • WSS are due by the 25th day of the month following the shipment. For instance, submit a WSS by June 25th for waste shipped in May.

Registered Generators

Registered generators are sites with active solid waste registrations. Registered generators must notify TCEQ of their episodic hazardous waste generation activity using form TCEQ-20940: Episodic Notification for Registered Generators. Add Texas Waste Codes for episodic hazardous wastes to your registration before submitting form TCEQ-20940 using either:

The description of the waste should include "episodic waste.” Inactivate the waste code when the waste is no longer generated.

Please note that our staff do not send any confirmation or response for submittals of TCEQ-20940 unless the site requests approval for a second episodic event. Registered generators must report episodic waste generation on their annual waste summary. TCEQ includes episodic wastes when determining registered generator's annual hazardous waste generation fees.

Contact Us

For questions about episodic generation notifications, email or call 512-239-6413.