Industrial and Hazardous Waste Queries and Notices of Registration
How to use the TCEQ Central Registry to obtain information about registrations, permits, and activities related to industrial or hazardous waste management in Texas.
HOT You can now check the status of your IHW submission sent by fax or mail. Get information about faxed submissions 1-2 business days after sending or mailed submissions 3-5 business days after sending.
View a Notice of Registration
To view a copy of the Notice of Registration for a solid waste registration:
Go to the Document Search section of the Central Registry search pages.
Select "Industrial and Hazardous Waste" from the drop-down next to "Program".
- Enter the solid waste registration number in the "Facility Number" field.
- Click the "Search" button.
Click the "View Registration" link.
Access Industrial and Hazardous Waste Program Data
Follow these instructions to access Industrial and Hazardous Waste Program data from the Central Registry launch page:
- Go to the Central Registry launch page and click the Regulated Entity link. The page will show the Regulated Entity search options.
- Under the "Program" drop down menu, select "Industrial and Hazardous Waste".
- Populate one or more of the following fields and click the "Search" button:
- RN Number (Regulated Entity Number)
- Regulated Entity (Regulated Entity Name)
- Program ID (Solid Waste Registration Number or EPA ID)
- Street Address (Site Address - May be entered as a partial address)
- County (County site is located in)
You can also download data about all Industrial and Hazardous Waste registrations via
- the IHW Notice of Registration Data page.
- the IHW Reporting Summary Datasets page.
For questions, e-mail or call 512-239-6413.