Industrial and Hazardous Waste
Types of permits and requirements for permit holders. Activities that do not require a permit. Forms and other tools for applicants and consultants.
To ensure uninterrupted and effective work we ask that in addition to the mailed hardcopy submittals, please also email them to online to allow for immediate access to project managers.
If your application is larger than 25 MB, you can submit your application via TCEQ’s file transfer protocol server (FTPS) to
For instructions on using the agency’s FTPS, please visit the TCEQ FTPS website .
If you have any questions, please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Current Topics in Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permitting
- Prepare for a TCEQ waste audit
- NEW Pending Permit Application Information
- NEW Updated Part B Application
- NEW Managing Hazardous Secondary Materials Guidance
- NEW Managing Electric Vehicle Batteries Guidance
Quick links on this page:
- Non-Permitted Activities
- Permitted Activities
- Waste Analysis
- Hazardous Waste Combustion Program Guidance
- Industrial and Hazardous Waste Highlights
General Information
- Applicable Rules
- Industrial and Hazardous Waste Registration and Reporting: Am I Regulated?
- List of Commercial Management Facilities for Hazardous and Industrial Solid Wastes
- IHW Forms and Guidance
Exemptions from Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permitting
Guidance on whether a generated solid waste activity requires a permit.
Hazardous Waste Activities That Require Notifying the TCEQ
Activities that are exempt from permitting but trigger a requirement to notify us at least 90 days before beginning the activity.
- Search for Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permit Applications
- Applicable Rules
- Hazardous Waste: The Permit Process
Applicant-held pre-application public meeting [30 TAC 39 ]
A pre-application public meeting is required prior to submitting of the following hazardous waste applications:
- New applications
- Renewal applications with Class 3 Permit Modifications or Major Amendments
- Major Amendment applications
- The pre-application public meeting is not required for an application submitted for the sole purpose of conducting post-closure activities or post-closure activities and corrective action at a facility unless:
- the application is also for an initial permit for hazardous waste management unit(s), or
- the application is also for renewal of the permit, where the renewal application is proposing a significant change (Class 3 Permit Modification or Major Amendment) in facility operations (Note: per preamble to the related federal rule, the facility operations referenced herein exclude post-closure and corrective action activities)
New Permit Application
How to apply for a permit for a new hazardous waste facility or convert your registration for an interim status facility to a full permit.
Renewal Permit Application
An overview of permitting process to renew a hazardous waste facility permit.
Transferring a Permit for Industrial or Hazardous Waste
Information related to the transfer of a hazardous waste storage, processing, or disposal facility.
Submitting a Permit Modification
An overview of the permitting process for modifying or amending an existing industrial or hazardous waste permit.
What class of modification do I need?
List of permit modification classes:
How to Classify Industrial and Hazardous Waste
Requirements for those who generate or manage hazardous waste in Texas.
UPDATE All plans and reports must be submitted using applicable
documents listed below.
Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) Reports
- REQUIRED CPT Report Forms, all Hazardous Combustion Reports, Field Data and Analytical Data must be submitted using the Combustion Report Forms.
- Example CPT/RCRA Test Report Draft Format
- REQUIRED Example CPT Laboratory Data Report QA/QC Checklist
CPT Plans
- CPT Plan Common Deficiencies, a list of common deficiencies for CPT Plans to improve CPT Plan reviews.
- REQUIRED Example CPT Plan Cover Sheet
REQUIRED CPT Plan Review Checklist:
- CPT Plan Review Checklist in Excel
- If assistive technology needed use:
CPT Plan Review Checklist in Word
CfPT Plan Review Checklist:
- CfPT Plan Review Checklist in Excel: Use to select applicable requirements
You can view previous bulletins through the following years: