Medical Waste
If you conduct medical waste management activities, you may need to obtain a registration, claim a registration by rule, or submit a notification. Some medical waste management activities are exempt from registration and notification requirements.
COVID-19 Information and Updates
- TCEQ Regulatory Guidance: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Disposal Guidance for COVID-19 Rapid Testing Kits from Schools
General Information
Regulatory Requirements
- Regulated Activities
Regulatory and application requirements for the treatment, transfer, transport, recordkeeping, and storage of medical waste.
Forms and Guidance
Application Fee
The application fee for a medical waste registration is $150. There is no fee for a notification.
Delinquent Fees and Penalties
If delinquent fees or penalties of $25 or more are associated with an applicant's Customer Number (CN), we are required to suspend processing of the application until payment is made. For more information, please visit the TCEQ delinquent fees and penalties web page.
Submit Documents Electronically
To streamline incoming document processing and review, please submit applications, reports, and other documents to the Municipal Solid Waste Permits Section electronically by email or via the TCEQ secure FTP site (TCEQ FTPS), in addition to submitting paper copies.
Notification of On-Site Treatment of Medical Waste (Form TCEQ-20788)
Application for Medical Waste Registration (Form TCEQ-20789)
Disposing of Sharps, Syringes and Other Related Waste
- Disposing of Sharps, Syringes, and Other Related Waste
- Recommendations for safe disposal of household generated sharps and syringes
- Requirements for management and disposal of sharps generated from a dentist's office, doctor's office, acupuncture clinic, or other health care-related facility
- Management and disposal of used or expired pharmaceutical waste
Medical Waste Facilities and Transporters
- List of active medical waste treatment facilities and transfer stations (GI-612)
- Find a medical waste transporter
- List of pending medical waste and other municipal solid waste applications posted on the internet
- Search status of pending applications
- Data on medical waste and other municipal solid waste facilities available for download
- Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 326 State rules establishing the requirements for the collection, transport, transfer, storage, treatment, and disposal of medical waste, and for registering medical waste processing facilities.
Contact MSW Permits Section
Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about managing medical waste.