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Treating Medical Waste

Requirements for treating medical waste including fees and periodic reporting.

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On-site Treatment

For on-site treatment, refer to the Treating On-site section on our Information for Generators of Medical Waste webpage.

Off-site Treatment

Off-site treatment must be conducted at a facility authorized to accept untreated medical waste.

If you are the owner or operator of medical waste treatment facility, you must be registered. Apply by completing and submitting the following forms, using the instruction on each:

Applicable rules are in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 326, Subchapter F .

Medical waste that has been treated at an authorized treatment facility may often be managed as routine municipal solid waste and disposed of in a Type I landfill. See the rules to make sure you meet all the requirements:

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You are required to pay a fee to The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) if your medical waste facility processes (treats and transfers) untreated medical waste for disposal by means other than landfilling (for example, incineration, composting, steam sterilization, and other treatment methods) as specified in 30 TAC 326.87 . If your facility is a medical waste transfer station only, you are not required to pay a fee to TCEQ.

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Quarterly Report

The owner or operator of a medical waste processing facility (excluding "transfer" only) is required to submit the amounts of waste received each quarter as specified in 30 TAC 326.89 .

Find more information on how to submit your quarterly report at the Municipal Solid Waste Quarterly Report Requirements and Disposal Fee (RG-289).

Annual Report

The owner or operator of a medical waste processing facility (including "transfer" only) is required to submit:

  • Yearly totals summary for the reporting period as specified in 30 TAC 326.89
  • Year-end status of the facility or process

Find details on how to submit your annual report at the Municipal Solid Waste Annual Reporting webpage.

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A registered medical waste transporter must provide the owner or operator of an authorized medical waste treatment facility a copy of the manifest at the time of unloading of the waste. The manifest must contained the information required in 30 TAC 326.53(b)(8) and (9) and follows the requirements in 30 TAC 326.53(b)(10) . The owner or operator is required to promptly record all manifest and retain it in an operating record see in 30 TAC 326.75(e)(2)(E)

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Contact MSW Permits Section

Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about managing medical waste.

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