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Disposing of Medical Waste

Requirements for disposing of treated and untreated medical waste.

Treated Medical Waste

Treated medical waste may often be managed as routine municipal solid waste and disposed of in a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. See the rules to make sure you meet all the requirements:

For a treated medical waste shipment that includes sharps or residuals of sharps originating from health care-related facilities, include a written statement to the solid waste landfill that the shipment has been treated by an approved method [25 TAC 1.136 and 30 TAC 326.23(e) ].

Untreated Medical Waste

In the event of a natural or man-made disaster untreated medical waste may be accepted for disposal at a landfill if authorized in writing by the executive director [30 TAC 330.171(c)(1) ].

Under such circumstances, the waste will be handled as a special waste. The generator may be required to complete the following:

Owners and operators of landfills must obtain a permit before accepting waste.

Contact MSW Permits Section

Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about management of medical waste.