Storing Medical Waste
If you receive medical waste from off-site sources you must obtain a registration.
To apply for a medical waste storage facility registration, complete and submit the following forms:
- Application Form (Form TCEQ-20789)
- Core Data Form (Form TCEQ-10400)
- Correspondence Cover Sheet (Form TCEQ-20714)
- Submit Documents Electronically
To streamline incoming document processing and review, please submit applications, reports, and other documents to the Municipal Solid Waste Permits Section electronically by email or via the TCEQ secure FTP site (TCEQ FTPS), in addition to submitting paper copies.
Rules governing these facilities are in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 326, Subchapter F .
Contact MSW Permits Section
Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about managing medical waste.