What is Medical Waste?
Wastes that are regulated as medical waste and wastes that are excluded.
On this page:
Definition of Medical Waste
Medical waste is defined in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Subsection 326.3(23) [30 TAC 326.3(23) ]. Medical waste includes treated and untreated special waste from health care-related facilities consisting of:
- animal waste
- bulk blood, bulk human blood and body fluids
- microbiological waste
- pathological waste, and
- sharps
from the sources specified in Title 25, Texas Administrative Code, Section 1.134 (25 TAC 1.134 ), as well as regulated medical waste (defined in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 173, Subsection 173.134(a)(5) .
Medical waste does not include:
- Medical waste produced on a farm or ranch as defined in Title 34, Texas Administrative Code, Subsection 3.296(f)
- Artificial, nonhuman materials removed from a patient and requested by the patient, including, but not limited to, orthopedic devices and breast implants
- Waste from single or multi-family dwellings, and hotels, motels, or other establishments that provide lodging and related services for the public. These sources are excluded from the definition of health care-related facilities. Waste from these sources may be disposed of by the generator with regular municipal solid waste; however follow these recommendations for safely disposing of sharps and syringes (GI-418)
Treated Medical Waste
Treated medical waste may be managed as routine municipal solid waste, and disposed of in a Type I municipal solid waste landfill with some exceptions. For more information about treatment and disposal for medical waste facilities see 30 TAC 326.75(r) , and for generators see 30 TAC 326.39(c) and 326.41(c) .
Guidance Document
Contact MSW Permits Section
Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about managing medical waste.