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Municipal Solid Waste Planning and Reporting

Resources to help regions and communities manage MSW. Summaries of MSW managed and remaining landfill capacity. Historical information about closed landfills.

Annual Summary of MSW Management in Texas
Yearly summaries of amounts and types of MSW managed and landfill capacity in the regions of Texas.

MSW Annual Reporting Program
Forms and instructions for submitting a MSW annual report.

Inventory of Closed MSW Landfills
Information about an inventory of closed and abandoned MSW sites.

Regional Solid Waste Grants Program
Provides grants to regional councils of governments for managing solid waste and implementing solid waste management plans.

Regional Councils of Governments
How to contact COGs. How TCEQ and COGs coordinate municipal solid waste management. Definition of a COG.

Managing MSW through General and Special Law Districts
Information to help general law districts—such as Water Control and Improvement Districts, Municipal Utility Districts, and Special Utility Districts—and special law districts to provide MSW services.

Municipal Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Advisory Council
Meeting schedules, agendas, and highlights, and information about membership and duties of the advisory group.