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Waste Management: Requirements and Permits

Requirements to transport and dispose of municipal solid, industrial and hazardous, and other wastes. Pending and current permits. Registration status.

Pending Application Information NEW                                                                Documents related to waste permit applications. Includes public notices and application summaries in plain language. For Industrial and Hazardous Waste and Municipal Solid Waste permits.

Bioenergy Facilities
A definition of bioenergy, and the status of authorizations for bioenergy facilities pending action or approved.

Coal Combustion Residuals
Landfills and surface impoundments used for the disposal or management of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR), a nonhazardous industrial solid waste generated from the combustion of coal, may require a registration.

Dredge or Fill Material: Section 401 Permits
The TCEQ conducts Section 401 certification reviews of projects requiring a Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for discharging dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S., including wetlands.

Industrial and Hazardous Waste
Types of permits. Requirements for permit holders. Forms and other tools for applicants and consultants.

Medical Waste
Regulations for handling, treating, and properly disposing of sharps, samples, and other wastes of concern from clinics and similar settings.

Municipal Solid Waste
Links to pages on municipal solid waste management, public participation, and requirements for obtaining authorization to process or dispose of waste.

Municipal Solid Waste Planning and Reporting
Information and resources to help regions and communities manage municipal solid waste. Summaries of amounts and types of municipal solid waste managed each year, and remaining capacity. Historical information about closed landfills.

Radioactive Materials
Regulation of the extraction, handling, processing, storage, and disposal of radioactive material in Texas.

Scrap Tires
Collecting, storing, processing, recycling, and disposing of scrap tires.

Septic Systems
On-site sewage facilities, or OSSFs, must be designed on the basis of a site evaluation that accounts for local conditions.

Sludge or Sludge Wastes
Regulatory requirements to generate, transport, or dispose of sludge or sludge wastes in Texas.

Underground Injection Wells
Requirements for drilling and operating wells for the solution mining of sulfur, salts or uranium, or for injecting liquid wastes and other substances underground.

Managing Hazardous Waste as Universal Waste
Streamlined universal waste regulations promote environmentally sound collection practices and increase the proper recycling or treatment of such wastes. Universal waste in Texas includes: batteries, some pesticides, mercury-containing thermostats, paint and paint-related waste, and lamps (bulbs).