Inventory of Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Information about an inventory of closed and abandoned municipal solid waste sites.
On this page:
Reason for the Inventory
The Texas Legislature, 73rd Regular Session (1993) passed House Bill 2537 , regarding development and use of land over closed municipal solid waste landfills. The legislation established requirements for developing land over closed landfills, and also required regional councils of governments (COGs) to include an inventory of closed municipal solid waste landfills in their regional plans for solid waste management. The content requirements for solid waste management plans are stated in the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 363, Section 363.064 .
The TCEQ, in cooperation with the 24 regional COGs, located approximately 4,200 closed and abandoned municipal solid waste landfills throughout Texas. Staff from each COG reviewed the information for their region. The TCEQ has approved the individual inventories as part of Volume II of each COG's Regional Solid Waste Management Plans. The COGs are responsible for maintaining the inventories.
Historic Data File
Go to our Municipal Solid Waste data page to download a copy of the Closed Landfill Inventory as it was delivered to the COGs in the late 1990s.
Using Land Over Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Requirements for Using Land Over Closed MSW Landfill
For More Information
If you have any questions about closed landfills in your area, contact the COG representing your county, or contact the Waste Permit Division at (512) 239-2335.