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Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) State Lead Program

Simple description of the TCEQ PST State-Lead Program and its role in the cleanup of leaking underground storage tanks.


  • The PST State Lead Program is authorized by law to remediate sites where a release from a PST system has occurred. Release incident cases that are eligible for the program generally involve responsible parties (RPs) who are either financially unable or unwilling to conduct the necessary corrective action(s) at Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites.
  • Corrective action(s) at LPST sites are directed by TCEQ PST Project Managers and the contracts are managed through the Remediation Contracting Program. TCEQ PST Project Managers evaluate and approve state contractors’ work plans for site-specific remediation activities, produce work orders, oversee field activities, and review and approve reports, invoices, and other contract-related submittals.
  • To speak with a TCEQ PST Project Manager about the PST State Lead Program, call the PST Section at (512) 239-2201.


  • PST State Lead Program contracts are financed through either the state Petroleum Storage Tank Remediation (PSTR) Fund or the federal Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Trust Fund.
  • These funding sources have specific eligibility criteria.
  • Funding is allocated to PST State Lead sites based on site priority per fiscal year.

Legal Authority
For more information see the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) State Lead Legal Authority web page.

There are several situations in which an LPST site is considered eligible for the PST State Lead Program. For more information see the Eligibility for the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) State Lead web page.

State Remediation Contractors
Remediation contractors are independent contractors that have been awarded a contract with the state to perform corrective action(s) at State Lead sites. For more information see Contracting with the TCEQ to Do Remediation web page.