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23rd Street Groundwater Plume in McAllen, Hidalgo County, TX

The 23rd Street Groundwater Plume is a hydrocarbon contamination site in McAllen, Texas.

Site Description

The 23rd Street Groundwater Plume is a hydrocarbon contamination site in the vicinity of 23rd Street and U.S. Business Highway 83 (Business 83), in McAllen, Texas. It is generally defined by Cedar Avenue to the north, 21st Street to the east, 25th Street to the west, and Fresno Avenue to the south.

The site encompasses predominately commercial and retail businesses along Business 83 and 23rd Street, with single and multi-family residences to the east and west of 23rd Street.

Site Background

Hydrocarbon contamination was first discovered in area monitoring wells in separate gas station investigations in 1990. There were three gas station facilities on Business 83 near 23rd Street, and a fourth station near the intersection of 23rd Street and Erie Avenue.

In addition, fuel storage facilities operated along the railroad tracks north of Business 83. The TCEQ Petroleum Storage Tank State Lead Program has been addressing this site since 2009.

Current Site Status

The TCEQ continues to monitor groundwater and remove hydrocarbon contamination from the subsurface through mobile dual phase extraction.

The TCEQ has also investigated the presence of drinking water wells, explosive vapors, and soil gas. Based on all the information collected to date, there does not appear to be any actual or potential contaminant exposure for the public.

Investigation of this site continues. Ongoing activities include installing additional groundwater monitoring wells and groundwater monitoring, and removing hydrocarbons from monitor wells.