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Bailey Metal Processors, Inc.

This Former Scrap Copper and Lead Reclamation Facility, in McCulloch County is in the Operation and Maintenance Phase.

Site Summary

The Bailey Metal Processors Inc. site is located at 509 San Angelo Highway (also known as US Highway 87) northwest of Brady, Texas. The approximately 5-acre facility is bounded on the east by US Highway 87 and residential properties; on the south by railroad tracks; and on the north by the Brady Independent School District school-bus facility.

As early as 1987, the facility reclaimed copper and lead from scrap wire by mechanically removing or burning off the paper, plastic, and lead coatings. In 1995, a TCEQ investigator documented metals waste impacting soil. Bailey Metal Processors Inc. closed in 1999 after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Several waste piles remained at the facility after it ceased operation.

Superfund Registry and Investigation

In April 2005, the TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry. In May 2006, TCEQ began the remedial investigation, which included soil and groundwater sampling. The remedial investigation was completed in August 2018. TCEQ removed piles of waste materials and contaminated soil from the site between 2005 and 2020.

Current Status

TCEQ completed a focused feasibility study in June 2021 to evaluate remedial action alternatives to address soil and groundwater contamination.

In February 2022, the TCEQ issued a Proposed Remedial Action Document (PRAD), which presents the proposed remedial action alternative (remedy) and describes the evaluation process that was used to select the proposed remedy.

The TCEQ held a public meeting to receive comment on the proposed remedy for the site on April 28, 2022.  Notice of the public meeting was published in the Texas Register (47 TexReg 1500), on March 18, 2022, and in The Brady Standard-Herald newspaper on March 23, 2022.

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